Error sending Json data over LAN via the W5500 module

Good afternoon, tell me how to fix the following situation.
We have ESP32S and the W5500 mini Ethernet module is also connected to it.
I am sending data via if sending is done over a Wi-Fi connection, then everything works well, if sending is done over an Ethernet connection, then sending does not happen, ESP simply reboots. There is nothing in the logs even at the VERBOSE level, they simply do not have time to form.

The Ethernet configuration and data sending code is below.

  type: W5500
  clk_pin: GPIO18
  mosi_pin: GPIO23
  miso_pin: GPIO19
  cs_pin: GPIO5
  interrupt_pin: GPIO32
  reset_pin: GPIO33
  clock_speed: 25MHz

  timeout: 5s
  id: send_data_url
  verify_ssl: false

  - id: send_data_to_server
      - if:
            lambda: 'return id(send_data) == 1;'
            - if:
                  lambda: 'return id(send_all_data) == 1;'
                  - logger.log:
                      format: "*****   Sending Data   *****"
                      level: INFO
                      tag: "DATA"                        
                      id: send_data_url
                      json: | 
                        JsonObject device = root.createNestedArray("devices").createNestedObject();
                        device["mac"] = id(bme_temperature).state;
                        JsonArray sensors = device.createNestedArray("sensors");

                        std::array<std::tuple<const char*, const char*, const float*>, 1> sensor_data = {{
                          {"T1", "C", &id(bme_temperature).state},

                        for (auto& sensor : sensor_data) {
                          const char* id = std::get<0>(sensor);
                          const char* unit = std::get<1>(sensor);
                          const float* value = std::get<2>(sensor);

                          if (!isnan(*value)) {
                            JsonObject sensor_object = sensors.createNestedObject();
                            sensor_object["id"] = id;
                            sensor_object["value"] = *value;
                            if (unit) {
                                sensor_object["unit"] = unit;

Which board do you have?

Is it a board with the esp 32 and the W5500 made in a factory, or did you wire it yourself?

Do the usual network debugging tools (ping, NC etc) work?

Does your dhcp server see it in it’s logs or lease list?

By the way, manners go a long way, or as my mother would have said “what’s the magic word?”

The board was assembled on an ESP-32S and I soldered it myself.
Ping from the board to an external address goes without problems, the board receives a DHCP address, including DNS and the gateway.
It works perfectly on the same LAN network with Home Assitant.
The problem occurs with when sending to external services via LAN, while sending via Wi-Fi everything is fine.

Help me - please =)