“Error: expected float for dictionary value @ data[‘value’]”
I thought I did this right. That’s the information under “edit as yaml” not the whole automation. I assume it’s because the sensor has an “@” sign? How do I properly format it using templating in the automation?
You are calling the service “input_number.set_value”, but you are setting a target that is an input_text.
Either change your service or change you target and then make sure that the value is a number by removing the @
Okay so first it failed because it said it expected a float, so I changed it from string to float, then it said it needed a default so I added (0) and it seems to have just set it to zero.
alias: "Beat time Internet time "
description: ""
- platform: state
- sensor.beat_time
condition: []
- service: input_text.set_value
entity_id: input_text.internet_time
value: "{{ states('sensor.beat_time') | float (0)}}"
mode: single