Error Starting FFmpeg - Ring

Hi All, I did I search and noticed 2 topics regarding this but from the beginning of the year and as far as I saw no real solutions regarding the FFmpeg error with the Ring doorbell playback/last motion snapshot displaying. This has been one of the only issues to an otherwise error free HA experience and would love to get it solved!

Getting the following: FFmpeg error starting, FFmpeg fails all args must be str or bytes

Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thank you!

did you get anywhere with this? It seems this only happens to me when I try and use FFMPEG for my other cameras at the same time.

No, couldn’t ever get it to work properly. Sometimes it works, sometimes it shows the error. Not sure what the possible fix would be

I am having the same issue. Don’t have any other cameras, just a single Ring doorbell, and get:
Error starting FFmpeg.
FFmpeg fails all args must be str or bytes

My relevant configuration.yaml code:

  username: !secret ringuid
  password: !secret ringpass
  - platform: ring

The ring sensors seem to work fine, so it’s connecting to ring, but the camera isn’t working - I get a tile labeled "Front Door (Image not available).

I have the ring basic protect plan, which is required for this to wok.