Error Starting FFMPEG

I recently added my Ring Doorbell as a camera to HASSIO. I found that if I don’t add ‘ffmpeg:’ to my config file I can see my Doorbells last still (seems to be whenever motion was last detected) I did some reading and found to play back video I would need to enable ffmpeg. I did this then I restart HASSIO and I get a stream of errors that look like this
FFmpeg fails all args must be str or bytes
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/haffmpeg/”, line 114, in open
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/asyncio/”, line 225, in create_subprocess_exec
stderr=stderr, **kwds)
File “uvloop/loop.pyx”, line 2368, in __subprocess_run
File “uvloop/handles/process.pyx”, line 564, in
File “uvloop/handles/process.pyx”, line 49, in uvloop.loop.UVProcess._init
File “uvloop/handles/process.pyx”, line 38, in uvloop.loop.UVProcess._init
File “uvloop/handles/process.pyx”, line 227, in uvloop.loop.UVProcess._init_options
File “uvloop/handles/process.pyx”, line 270, in uvloop.loop.UVProcess._init_args
TypeError: all args must be str or bytes

This also happens if I don’t add FFmpeg to my confg, but only after it works for a few hours…

I get the same errors in a different setup regarding Ffmpeg. You could see the me in this thread:

I think there is a bug in the way HA or Hassio pass parameters to ffmpeg.

Any luck resolving this? I am having the same issue with ffmpeg not starting - “Error starting FFmpeg.” in logs. I am running Hass.IO 0.67.1 on a RPi v3.

If I don’t add the ffmpeg: to my configuration.yaml file, I can see the last recorded feed from my Doorbell, but it always seems to be out of date.

I would like to be able to Live Stream from my Ring Doorbell, but if I add ffmpeg: to my configuration.yaml file, I don’t even get the last recording show up.

I’d be keen to solve this one!

Sorry for my delay!
I have the stream on my front end but its really just the last recorded activity from the SD so if there is no “live stream” ability that I am aware of.

That’s odd, This works in the virtual environment install for sure. I wonder what is missing from HASS.IO that breaks it.