I have an Onkyo receiver integrated with my HA installation. Just recently, I got a notification that I should remove this from my config file and that it had been automatically added to the UI (or some such phrase).
After this change though, I get an error every time run a script (which has been working fine for months until this change) that executes a media_player.selelct_source action.
This is the error I’m seeing:
Error: cannot access local variable 'source_lib_single' where it is not associated with a value
Investigating further, I found that I am now also getting similar results when I try to do the same thing from the Developer tool → Actions section:
However - if I go to the device itself (see screenshot below) and change source from there, it works fine.
Wild Guess: On the popup from your screenshot try to set the last entry to “CD”
You set your input source to CD (which probably worked before) in the action call.
In the integration option it tries to map “CD — TC/CD*” to PiCorePlayer and therefore the script target is not found. Set the “PiCorePlayer” to CD in the options and you are probably fine