Error trying to use picture-elements to display a hikvsion camera stream

I am trying to use picture elements to stream a hikvsion cameras.
In my configuration.yaml file I have

  - platform: generic
    name: Outside
    still_image_url: "http://XXXX:[email protected]/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/101/picture"
    stream_source: "rtsp://XXXX:[email protected]:554"
    username: "XXXXX"
    password: "XXXXXX"
    authentication: digest

In my picture elements I have this code:

type: picture-elements
image: camera.outside
camera_image: camera.outside
camera_view: live
  type: icon
  icon: 'mdi:arrow-up'
  entity: camera.outside
    background: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)'
    right: 25px
    bottom: 25px

But when I try to save, I see an error under the text field: “Cannot read property ‘setConfig’ of undefined”
And on the right it says “Invalid Configuration: elements required”

I tried changing the camera.outside to a capital O but that didt fix it either. I found this code on a different post, and they said it worked there.

Any suggestions?

Thank you

I got it working using the picture element instead.

Thank you