Error: Unable to find service media_player.play_media

Hi, I am trying to integrate alexa actions followed by this guide Home · keatontaylor/alexa-actions Wiki · GitHub

The problem is, that even if I do everything as instructed, after trying to call the servis like this:

service: script.activate_alexa_actionable_notification
  text: What would you like the thermostat set to?
  event_id: ask_for_temperature
  alexa_device: media_player.bedroom_echo

it throws an error: Unable to find service media_player.play_media


Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection
Source: components/websocket_api/
Integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 16:52:13 (16 occurrences)
Last logged: 20:37:07

[2885741296] Error handling message: Unable to find service media_player.play_media (unknown_error)

My script configuration:

    description: 'Activates an actionable notification on a specific echo device'
        description: 'The text you would like alexa to speak.'
        example: 'What would you like the thermostat set to?'
        description: 'Correlation ID for event responses'
        example: 'ask_for_temperature'
        description: 'Alexa device you want to trigger'
        example: 'media_player.bedroom_echo'
      - service: input_text.set_value
          entity_id: input_text.alexa_actionable_notification
          value: '{"text": "{{ text }}", "event": "{{ event_id }}"}'
      - service: media_player.play_media
          entity_id: "{{ alexa_device }}"
          media_content_type: skill
          media_content_id: <Your Skill ID>

I found this: Unable to find service media_player.play_media
but there is nothing that could help me.

Does anyone have any idea what can I do to fix this?

Just double-checking… You’ve also got the Alexa Media Player integration installed?


To get actionable notifications working you’ll need to install the Alexa Media Player custom component via HACS

Yeeeaah, installed, but I forgot to configure it. My bad. I will give my feedback after configuring it, but I think it should fix my issue.

Thanks for help.

Everything is working now. Again, thanks for help.