Error updating

I’m running HassOS 1.11 and Home Assistant 0.78.3. I’ve decided to update, but doing so from the WebUI gives an error in the log saying that the docker image can’t be fetched (404):

18-12-31 18:28:26 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Update Home Assistant to version 0.84.6 18-12-31 18:28:26 INFO (SyncWorker_5) [hassio.docker.interface] Update Docker 0.78.3 with homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.84.6 18-12-31 18:28:26 INFO (SyncWorker_5) [hassio.docker.interface] Pull image homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant tag 0.84.6. 18-12-31 18:28:38 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [hassio.docker.interface] Can't install homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.84.6 -> 404 Client Error: Not Found ("no such image: homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.84.6: No such image: homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.84.6"). 18-12-31 18:28:38 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Home Assistant is already running! 18-12-31 18:28:38 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Successful run Home Assistant 0.84.6

Running via ssh update on the host of the home assistant gives the error below:

➜  ~ hassio -d ho update
DEBUG [CmdHost]: action->'update', endpoint='update', serverOverride->'', GET->'false', options->'', rawjson->'false', filter->''
DEBUG [ExecCommand]: basepath->'host', endpoint->'update', serverOverride->'', get->'false', Options->'', Filter->'', RawJSON->'false'
DEBUG [GenerateURI]: basepath->'host', endpoint->'update', serverOverride->''
DEBUG [RestCall]: data->'http://hassio/host/update', GET->'false', payload->''
DEBUG [RestCall]: ResponseBody->'403: Forbidden'
Error decoding json invalid character ':' after top-level value: 403: Forbidden#➜  ~ hassio -d ha update
DEBUG [CmdHomeassistant]: action->'update', endpoint='update', serverOverride->'', GET->'false', options->'', rawjson->'false', filter->''
DEBUG [ExecCommand]: basepath->'homeassistant', endpoint->'update', serverOverride->'', get->'false', Options->'', Filter->'', RawJSON->'false'
DEBUG [GenerateURI]: basepath->'homeassistant', endpoint->'update', serverOverride->''
DEBUG [RestCall]: data->'http://hassio/homeassistant/update', GET->'false', payload->''
DEBUG [RestCall]: ResponseBody->'403: Forbidden'
Error decoding json invalid character ':' after top-level value: 403: Forbidden#➜  ~

What do I need to do to stay up to date?

Assuming the supervisor is up to date, I would do a snapshot, then step through and update the HASSos and HA from the cli.
It should be ‘hassio os update’ followed by a reboot, then ‘hassio ha update’

1 Like

That’s exactly what I tried. See above.

I mean, I call my home assistant server a ho too, but…

Based on the debug, You ran a command against the host (ho). The valid command is to update the OS.

homeassistant, ha info, logs, check, restart, start, stop, update
supervisor, su info, logs, reload, update
host, ho reboot, shutdown
hassos, os info, update
hardware, hw info, audio
snapshots, sn list, info, reload, new, restore, remove

"hassio os update" says it is invalid.

ha, su, and ho update are all valid and all give a 403.

Using username "root".
Authenticating with public key "rsa-key-20180906"

   Home-Assistant <[email protected]>

     homeassistant, ha  info, logs, check, restart, start, stop, update
     supervisor, su     info, logs, reload, update
     host, ho           reboot, shutdown, update
     hardware, hw       info, audio
     network, ne        info, options
     snapshots, sn      list, info, reload, new, restore, remove
     addons, ad         list, info, logo, changelog, logs, stats,
 reload, start, stop, install, uninstall, update
     help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --debug, -d    Prints Debug information
   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version
➜  ~ hassio su update
Error decoding json invalid character ':' after top-level value: 403: Forbidden#➜  ~
 *1  [zsh]                                                       Mon 12-31 16:18

"hassio os update" says it is invalid.

More info:

hassio -v version 1.3.1

My commands do not look like that. See my latest update.

My mistake. There was a shift from resinOS to hassOS, which takes a new OS image, and also has an updated cli. I don’t recall if there are any updates for resinOS past where you are at.

So, if you just update HA from the CLI do you get a different response?

I get exactly what I’ve posted here. That is the CLI. My original post has what the web interface gives me also.

Do I start from scratch? Can I restore my snapshots in the new HassOS?

snapshots will work.

ResinOS is no longer getting updates, so at some point you need to make the move.

I migrated by copying my snapshot off of the pi, then building a fresh image. Once it was up, I installed the ssh and samba add-ons and copied my snapshot back and did the restore. You could also just copy the contents of your current /config directory over to the new system. If you are using wifi make sure you read through the setup docs first. If you are using ethernet, then no worries, dhcp just works.

I flashed a new card, installed SSH, verified the OS looked different (it had the OS option you reference now), copied the snapshot to the new system, restored it, now I’m right back to where I was before! The OS looks like it did prior, it says its back on the old version… I don’t think this snapshot thing works.

I’m going with just enabling addons and copying over the config.

Whenever you see “no such image” in the logs, check that you have available space for pulling down images. When you restored from snapshot I’m going to guess that you got yourself back into a limited storage situation.

Thank you for this. I was having issues updating the OS from 3.13 to 4.13 and the core from 0.110.6 to 0.114.4. I used the version of the commands you provided that applied to my installation and it resolved my issue.
‘ha os update’ followed by ‘ha core update’