Error when trying to use customize_glob (solved)

I am trying to remove a tonne of sensor from my default HA page.

I’ve read that I should be able to use:

      hidden: true

but when I do I get the following error:

extra keys not allowed @ data['custimize_glob'

I’ve tried this in the customize.yaml and the configuration.yaml files.
If it’s a typo, my eyes are failing me.


needs an o not an i - customize_glob

Fixed the typo and I’m getting the same error only spelled correctly :slight_smile:

extra keys not allowed @ data['customize']['customize_glob'] 

Have you got customize and customize_glob indented 2 spaces under homeassistant?

So I had another typo in my original statement, it should have been ‘sensor.dark’ not ‘sensor_dark’.

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