"Error while loading page cloud."

Hi, I have a new install on an x86 nuc computer and am getting this error when I click on the Settings>HomeAssistant Cloud page.
Any idea what’s going on? The cpu has access to the internet.
Thanks much

It probably use encryption, so make sure your date, time and timezone are correct.

Just checked and Timezone in the GUI is correct as is the bios time, but I also noticed I get an error on the settings>network page “Error while loading page network.”
Any other thoughts would be appreciated.

We probably need some log outputs then, both from the homeassistant log and from the supervisor log, but before that try to restart the HA host (not just the HA core).

Very interesting, decided to try it on chrome instead of safari and it works as does the network settings. Here is the error.

  • Uncaught error from Safari 15.6.1 on Mac OS 10.15.7 RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. name (delegate.ts:86:27) value (text-field.ts:518:4) this (src/scoped-custom-element-registry.js:330:40) this (src/scoped-custom-element-registry.js:329:28) value (node_modules/element-internals-polyfill/dist/index.js:676:33) Object (constraint-validation.ts:242:33) privateSyncValidity (constraint-validation.ts:205:11) requestUpdate (delegate.ts:127:13) this (src/scoped-custom-element-registry.js:342:31) this (src/scoped-custom-element-registry.js:342:31)