‘error while loading page’ on ALL INTEGRATIONS after installing envisalink_new

Installed envisalink_new to gain access to modern features. After restart with HCAS, its working fine, but when I click on the device under integrations I get a “error while loading page” error screen. Then I tried other devices under integrations and get the same issue. I’ve rebooted HAOS, my Proxmox hypervisor and cleared the cache in Chrome. I’ve received updates to core and supervisor in the past 24 hours, applied those with no issues. I have noticed a number of other error messages in the logs, but it was really one of my first times looking too.

Not sure what else to do?

I would suggest going back to, I assume here and do an issue.
You have determined it started with their software’s installation.

Working now, not sure why. Will dig through logs, but I didn’t do anything.