Error while loading page on browser (app works fine)

Hi community!

I have implemented hass a few days ago but the os started to behave odd when accessing via browser (safari, chrome).

Whenever trying to reach certain front ends the message “Error while loading page…” appears.


This error does not appear on the home assistant app however. I tried reverting to a previous backup but that did not solve the problem.

Could anyone help me figuring this out?

When using the browser the cache is sometimes giving strange results, especially when doing a lot of changes to the setup/frontend.

Press “CTRL+F5” in ctrome and it will reload a certain page. I do that a lot on PC’s.

Thank you for the quick reply! Unfortunately, that didn’t work for me, the screen stays as it is.

I had the same problem. When going to Setting on HA app, Settings were visible but via browser I would get the error “Error while loading page dashboard.”

@ khvej8 thanks for this tip, I tried it using Firefox and it worked for me.

I had to look this up and for anyone else who is curious:

  • F5 or Ctrl + R: Reloads page
  • Ctrl + F5 (Shift + F5) or Ctrl + Shift + R: to reload the current page, ignoring cached content.