My ecobee is no longer connected to my HA and the following errors are showing in the logs:
Error while refreshing tokens from ecobee: 400: {‘error’: ‘invalid_grant’, ‘error_description’: ‘The authorization grant, token or credentials are invalid, expired, revoked, do not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client.’, ‘error_uri’: ‘RFC 6749 - The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework’}
Error updating ecobee tokens
I’ve tried making a new developper account and api key, but still get the same error.
I’m seeing the same issue and errors. Impacting the ecobee integration. HomeKit integration works ok. Issue is that integration doesn’t support a few ecobee specifics like resume.
hasbian 102.3 still the same thing, about 5 days and my token expires. I get it working again by re-authing my api against my ecobee account. anyone have any solutions? Is there an issue ticket open?
Although, I’ve read that ecobee is having persistent server issues on their end for the last month. Something with ecobee’s last update really screwed things up. What’s worse is that they won’t 'fess up – they keep pasting the same bot-like response for their customers.
Edit: Additionally, I kept getting weird readings as I have the thermostat on the UI that I noticed this morning. It said “fan” when it should have been on “heat!” (the furnace was working, but still. )
It looks like there are a couple of PRs open in Github for this issue, @jamrws6 posted the link for PR 28296 a few weeks back in this thread. I’m interested in this too since after moving from 0.101.? to 0.103.0 I now can not talk to my Ecobee device.
I did get connection back to my Ecobee, but I had to delete the device from Integrations within HA, goto the Ecobee website revoke the previous API key and app, regenerate the API key, add the Ecobee through Integrations in HA and add the new API key, than go back to the Ecobee website to add a new app with the generated PIN. After that HA was able to talk to the Ecobee, just not sure for how long as others have said it only lasted for a few days.
I guess I could move from using the pyecobee library to HomeKit as a temporary solution.
Anyway here is another PR in Github that is related to this Ecobee problem: PR #28531
So right now the only way to fix it is to delete the integration from home assistant and then re-do the whole authorization? Any other solutions we can try?