Error with all Xiaomi Light devices

Hello there,
I am experiencing some issues with ALL xiaomi light-related devices, more in detail:

Xiaomi-Yeelight RGB Bulb (1st generation)
Xiaomi-Yeelight WHITE Bulb (1st generation)
Xiaomi-Yeelight WHITE Bulb (2nd generation)
Xiaomi-Yeelight Led-Strip

Those devices are correctly present in HomeAssistant but very often the rapresented state is not the same as reality: when they are OFF, HomeAssistant shows they are ON, so i click for turning them OFF and from that moment they are shown as OFF. If I try to turn them on, they does not respond, i get this error message:

Log Details (ERROR)
Thu Jun 14 2018 12:34:22 GMT+0200 (ora legale Europa occidentale)

Unable to turn the bulb on: A socket error occurred when sending the command.

Moreover, if I check the history, all 4 lights are shown as ON for all the time (while they were off).

Is there any solution?
Thanks in advance