Error with HA + HDMI_CEC & No Homeassistant.log file

Hi Friends,

I’ve added hdmi_cec to my setup.

On my HA window, with some delay, it detects when my Panasonic TV or my Sony Recho ‘standby 0’ | cec-client -seceiver are ON / OFF but I can’t turn them on or off, it simply doesn’t respond.

If, while using command line, I call echo ‘on 0’ | cec-client -s or echo ‘standby 0’ | cec-client -s my TV does turn on and goes to standby. The same happens with the Receiver.

I’d like to try troubleshooting it by taking a look at homeassistant.log file but it doesn’t exists!

Can someone point me to any direction towards fixing TV commands on HA or having LOGs…?

Also… If I click on Home Assistant > Information, it says 0.65.6 but if I call hass --version, it returns 0.63.3

Thanks in advance!