Error With Notify Entry in Split YAML

I am trying to set up a notification group in a split YAML file but cannot figure out why it isn’t working. I have a groups.yaml with the following code:

  name: Family
    - person.bill
    - person.annie

  - platform: group
    name: Phones
      - service: mobile_app_bills_iphone_12
      - service: mobile_app_annie_s_iphone

I call it from configuration.yaml with the following

#Config split
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
group: !include groups.yaml

When I take the whole notify section and move it to the parent configuration.yaml, the config check runs fine. If I leave the notify in the groups.yaml, I get the following error from check config:

Invalid config for [group]: value should be a string for dictionary value @ data[‘group’][‘notify’][‘entities’]. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 26).

I kind of doubt it means anything for the issue above but, for added weirdness, if I change the config split to

groups: !include groups.yaml

the error changes to

Integration error: groups - Integration ‘groups’ not found.

Anyone have any idea what’s going on?

You are mixing the old and new style of configure groups

The notify part belongs to integration notify and not to group integration

Thats because there is not such thing as ‘groups’ its ‘group’

As @deluxestyle points out, the notify belongs to the notify integration not the group integration.

So either leave this in configuration.yaml

  - platform: group
    name: Phones
      - service: mobile_app_bills_iphone_12
      - service: mobile_app_annie_s_iphone

OR move it in to notify.yaml and add this to your configuration.yaml

notify: !include notify.yaml
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Ok, this is my ignorance showing. I guess I assumed the part before the colon was a label that you could just make up but I see it’s a reference to an integration, as per Integrations - Home Assistant. I was wondering how the label was recognized/used by the rest of the system. This also makes more sense now that a split yaml is tied to an integration so the yaml can only include code that the specified integration can interpret.

Thanks for the quick lesson. Since that’s my only notification group, I’ll just leave it in configuration.yaml and will split if out if it gets larger or more complex.

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You can also use packages which allows you to combine multiple integrations just like you do in configuration.yaml.