I have 2 phones with applications where I listen to next_alarm sensors. Then I have a template sensor that compares these two alarms with each other and selects the later one if they are 2 hours apart, i.e. one, e.g. set to 5; 30, the other to 7; 00 so the true one is at 7; 00.
Then, based on this sensor, I have automation in node-red (thrown in pastebin as well) where the trigger is simply time node and some action is happening. Everything was fine and stopped working 2-3 days ago. I didn’t change anything, just updated HA. I have an error “cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘hour’)” with time - node. Anyone know what it is caused by or how to do automation where the trigger is a sensor with date and time?
Ok, I upgraded back HA to the newest version and everything works fine. I also tried to upgrade node-red but the error ‘cannot read properties of undefined’ had shown again. I downgrade it again, works now good but I don’t see any breaking changes in docs of node-red.
The breaking changes are the ones listed below Breaking changes (as in your screenshot).
Use the search function in Node red to see if you have one of those nodes.
As @Kermit mentioned, v.0.42.3 fixes this issue.
Go into Node-RED → Settings → Palette and look for node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket. There should be an update available. Update the package and restart Node-RED.