Error with xiaomi aqara

Hi all,

I don’t know why but since few days ago xiaomi gateway doesn’t work anymore.

I checked the gateway and was right.

I tried to change it and reboot HASS but nothing changed.

This is the error I found in log:

Setup failed for xiaomi_aqara: Component failed to initialize.

Can someone please help me?

Thank you in advance

Is the gateway working with the MiHome App?


Without issue.

Try and disable and enable the API/LAN stuff in MiHome for the Gateway. See if that works.

Check if developer mode is enabled and if code is correct, maybe try reset code.

I did a software update on my Xiaomi Gateway the other day and I had to generate a new key for my HASS

Lately Xiaomi’s firmwares hiding the tokens and changing them more often, it is not as easy now to get token as it was few months ago, hopefully they not going towards closing API

But on the other hand they released new Aqara Home app which have built in HomeKit integration so interesting times to come…

Well if Home Kit Integration is coming even if they do close the API at lease we can sill connect the sensors to HASS though Home Kit, And thanks for the info about the new app I had no idea its quite nice looking I think this is part of the push to get into the USA market

It’s not working yet, impossible to pair anything but soon to come, the picture of devices is from new line not yet released, hopefully it will support older models as well, I just hope Xiaomi will go “the more sales the better” way and open everything unlike others who limit their products. for me it will be a test if I’ll continue with Xiaomi or neglect them cause the hardware side per $ is one of the best I’ve seen but their intentions yet unknown

Nicest part about this app that is English cause I thought learning Chinese soon :slight_smile:

I think that in my case error was generated network issue (I was using a vlan for domotics).

After changin SSID it started working again.

Thank you all!

@Jokerigno this happens to me every time I reboot HA, I need to unplug gateway plug back in and then reboot HA and it reappears discovered correctly.

I reboot HA almost everyday (I love testing) but gateway key persist.

This is the second time I had to change key.

This is strange I have only had to update once in the past, This was due to updating Mi Home app and then reverting back to older version so I could add Xiaomi Wi-Fi components. I really want to have some of the new features of the app but I’m not done adding things from Xiaomi yet I have a heap more sensors coming.

Did you update to the most recent version of the App?

Yes I did.

I always have last version of app and firmware (mostly for security reason)