Error "Wrong tts file format" when calling tts.cloud_say to MPD media player

I have a MPD installation on a raspberry pi 3b (Raspbian Bullseye). I use it as a media player for HA. In general it works but sometimes I’m getting the following error when calling tts.cloud_say. Any ideas?

Logger: homeassistant.components.tts
Source: components/tts/
Integration: Text-to-speech (TTS) (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 09:58:37 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 09:58:37

Error on load tts: Wrong tts file format!

I am having the same error. Using MPD on another computer in network.

Poeschl commented on Jan 29, 2022 in MPD: Error on load tts: Wrong tts file format!, but the sound is still played on speakers · Issue #295 · Poeschl/Hassio-Addons · GitHub

Advised that these messages are due to MPD looking for thumbnail images (in 4 different formats) relating to the music file being played … so … fortunately we can ignore these messages more as a warning - and unfortunately this issue can not be fixed in the context of the addon.

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As this affects chime_tts, and chime triggers the ban notifyer as well, I gave up and use the proxy I have in front of HA to redirect the requests to a harmless 404 page.