Error: Zigbee radio with multiprotocol firmware detected

After upgrading to 2024.3.1 just now, I get this error. All Zigbee devices including the majority of my lighting no longer working. WAF dropped off the charts :frowning: Did I miss a breaking change? Is multiprotocol no longer supported anymore? Is anyone else running a Sonoff having this issue?

Core 2024.3.1
Supervisor 2024.03.0
Operating System 12.1
Frontend 20240307.0

“Your Zigbee radio was previously used with multiprotocol (Zigbee and Thread) and still has multiprotocol firmware installed: (CPC). To run your radio exclusively with ZHA, you need to install Zigbee firmware. Follow your Zigbee radio manufacturer’s instructions for how to do this. Error - 16/03/2024”

The multiprotocol feature is still experimental and highly likely to cause issues.
I’ve seen a couple of similar posts here with your same error, and the general consensus is to disable and uninstall it.

From the blog post:
“During the further development and testing of the multiprotocol firmware, we have concluded that while Silicon Labs’ multiprotocol works, it comes with technical limitations. These limitations mean users will not have the best experience compared to using dedicated Zigbee and Thread radios. That is why we do not recommend using this firmware, and it will remain an experimental feature of Home Assistant Yellow and Home Assistant SkyConnect. If you currently have the multiprotocol firmware installed but don’t actively use it to connect to Thread devices, we recommend that you disable multiprotocol.”

I get that. It’s always worked before though. This error seems to imply support has been removed. That’s what I’m trying to confirm.

Edit: I couldn’t see anyone reporting the same error here. Can you link me?

Not sure 100% whether support was removed now, but it’s happened before. The release notes from last December state that multiprotocol was reenabled, which implies that it was disabled at least once before.

I’d just play it safe and keep the feature disabled for now, unless you want your ZHA devices to go unresponsive until the issues are ironed out.

My ZHA devices are all unresponsive. It’s not a matter of disabling a feature. I’d need to reflash the device, and more importantly I can’t see how to migrate all my ZigBee network. The Backup feature in the Migrate function now just errors out.

You don’t mention which version you were updating from, but this was mentioned as an issue after the 2024.2.x release.
Have a look here, maybe it’ll help

Thanks @ShadowFist . Good link.

It looks like I’m getting that message because the multiprotocol addon didn’t start on boot. I suspect it was the HassOS 12.1 upgrade that has boorked the serial port for the device. Looks like setting back to Zigbee only mode may not fix it.

Interesting that everyone else complaining got the issue on the 2024.2x upgrade but mine was going from 2024.3 → 2024.3.1

I think I spotted a comment in that issue where someone simply unplugged & replugged the dongle back in to get it working. Might have misread though - I was only skimming that issue to see if it’s relevant to you