Errors - Check Home Assistant Configuration Addon

For some time now I’ve had a couple of things in my config that cause the configuration check addon to fail and I can’t figure it out. If I remove these 3 things my configuration check passes.

The first issue is 2 separate !secret references which are both in the same file. The secrets are definitely defined correctly, a regular configuration check passes and everything functions as it should. If I replace the !secret reference with the !secret data it passes the addon check. I’ve also tried renaming the secrets, same results.

type: custom:stack-in-card
  - type: iframe
    url: !secret TRAFFIC_LOCAL
    aspect_ratio: 100%


      - type: buttons
          - entity: sensor.dummy
            icon: mdi:car-multiple
            name: 'Traffic Map'
              action: url
              url_path: !secret TRAFFIC_MAP

which result in this error.

  [20:17:01] ERROR: The configuration check did not pass!
  [20:17:01] ERROR: See the output below for more details.
  Testing configuration at /tmp/config
  Failed config
    General Errors:
      - Error loading /tmp/config/configuration.yaml: Secret TRAFFIC_LOCAL not defined

  Failed config
    General Errors:
      - Error loading /tmp/config/configuration.yaml: Secret TRAFFIC_MAP not defined

The second issue is with the Google Cloud TTS integration. If I have it in my config the check configuration fails

  - platform: google_cloud
    key_file: HASSIO-ba9d51703228.json
    encoding: mp3
    voice: en-IN-Wavenet-D
    speed: 0.95
    pitch: 1.0
    gain: 1.0
      - telephony-class-application
      - medium-bluetooth-speaker-class-device

Results in this error.

  [19:46:06] ERROR: The configuration check did not pass!
  [19:46:06] ERROR: See the output below for more details.
  Testing configuration at /tmp/config
  Failed config
    General Errors:
      - Platform error tts.google_cloud - Exception importing homeassistant.components.google_cloud.tts

And lastly is an automation containing a webos tv trigger.

- id: media_living_room_tv_on
  alias: '[Media] Living Room TV On'
  description: 'Wake On Lan for WebOS TV.'
    - platform: webostv.turn_on
      entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv
    - service: wake_on_lan.send_magic_packet
        mac: !secret LIVINGROOM_TV_MAC

Which results in this error.

[20:12:23] ERROR: Found an error in the log output of the check!
[20:12:23] ERROR: See the output below for more details.
ERROR:homeassistant.config:Invalid config for [automation]: Integration 'webostv' does not provide trigger support. Got OrderedDict([('http', OrderedDict([('ip_ban_enabled', True), ('login_attempts_threshold', 10)])), ('default_config', {}), ('automation', [OrderedDict([('id', 'reminders_turn_off_dexter_medication'), ('alias', '[Reminders] Turn Off Dexter Medication'), ('description', 'Turn off reminder active boolean.'), ('max_exceeded', 'silent'), ('trigger', [OrderedDict([('platform', 'state'), ('entity_id', 'input_boolean.dexter_medication_enabled'), ('to', 'off'), ('from', 'on')]), OrderedDict([('platform.... (See ?, line ?).
ERROR:homeassistant.config:Invalid config for [automation]: Integration 'webostv' does not provide trigger support. Got OrderedDict([('http', OrderedDict([('ip_ban_enabled', True), ('login_attempts_threshold', 10)])), ('default_config', {}), ('automation', [OrderedDict([('id', 'reminders_turn_off_dexter_medication'), ('alias', '[Reminders] Turn Off Dexter Medication'), ('description', 'Turn off reminder active boolean.'), ('max_exceeded', 'silent'), ('trigger', [OrderedDict([('platform', 'state'), ('entity_id', 'input_boolean.dexter_medication_enabled'), ('to', 'off'), ('from', 'on')]), OrderedDict([('platform.... (See ?, line ?).

This one I think is because the webos tv integration introduced the webostv.turn_on trigger in 2022.2 and the configuration check addon hasn’t been updated for it. Other than that I’m stumped with this.

Still stumped with this…