Never played with ESP-32 but everyone said they are easy and no coding is needed so I got 3 of them, one for each floor of the house. I flashed them via the ESP Projects Page Ready-Made Projects — ESPHome and followed instructions. Somewhat easy OK… but not so simple exactly. I got one going which picked up my switchbot plug that was in the same room and added it to HA as a Bluetooth Device. Took another and placed it in another room (yes it is talking via WiFi) where there is another switchbot plug and nothing is seen. I also have one here right next to me next to my phone and nothing.
My initial desire is to make these as tracking sensors for our phones so at least it knows what floor I am on, mostly as a test and also to peek into the ESP32 world. I have not seen ANYTHING else I need to do other than to add a few lines to the config at the end shown below. What can I be doing wrong and is there some sort of writeup or YouTube video that explains it’s use a bit more in depth. Where do I search or look for what the proxy is seeing in HA ?
name: esp32-bluetooth-proxy-3160d0
friendly_name: 2nd Bluetooth Proxy
esphome.bluetooth-proxy: github://esphome/bluetooth-proxies/esp32-generic/esp32-generic.yaml@main
name: ${name}
name_add_mac_suffix: false
friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
key: 0W1i319NmdG4yrd7KcdDdmPiH8osvcpTDFKlejv6wGk=
ssid: NONA
password: NONA
interval: 1100ms
window: 1100ms
active: true
active: true
type or paste code here