ESP 8266 D1 - what could I do?

Hi there,
I have a WeMos D1 ESP 8266 board which I’ve bought for some customized electronics for a part-work model kit.
Currently, the work on the model-kit is on hold, because the distributor of the parts went bankrupt - and at the moment it is unclear, if another company will continue with the distribution of the parts next year… therefore, the ESP 8266 is laying around and collecting dust - so I’ve decided to see, what else I could do with it - and test some ESPHome things… the Board is now available on ESPHome - and seems to work … but: I don’t have any idea what I should / could really do with the board…

There isn’t really any usecase right now that comes to my mind… So… I do need some project Ideas - or, if the Part-Work model kit will continue, it would be interesting, if I could controll the electronics with ESPHome…?

For the model kit itself, it was considered to use the Arduino Platform and write some programms that trigger specific lightning effects… I don’t know, if it is possible to somehow combine a pretty complex code with ESPHome Platform?
Or if I could “expose” controll options and sensors to ESP Home via an Code written and uploaded to the ESP with Arduino and still use the ESP Home Integration to controll the unit?

What do you think ? / Know about this?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Check the DIX Examples on :hammer_and_wrench:

Also the cookbook might have some ideas for you :man_cook:

The non invasive power meter could be a quick win for example :trophy:


An ESPHome daylight / luminance sensor is quite popular, inexpensive, and very useful for automating lights on and off according to local conditions. Just add a BH1750 sensor with three wires.

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I use them for…

  • temp & humidity sensors around the house.

  • controlling my fish tank heater with a waterproof temp sensor.

  • making an automatic fish feeder using a stepper motor.

  • making a scale to tell me how much propane I have left for my grill.

  • putting WLED on them and control LED light strips

  • bed presence sensors

  • a garage door position sensor using an ultrasonic distance sensor

  • a water sensor for leaks

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