Be gentle please. I’m just starting to dip my toe into ESPhome. I have a project where I’m DIY’ing a JBOD enclosure. I’m wanting to use an ESP to control power for the ATX PSU that will be used to power the HDDs.
So, two things:
I’m looking for an ESP board that can be powered using the 5V standby on the PSU.
Looking for a nudge on the ESP YAML to work as a switch.
The ESP chips are 3.3V only. Some development boards have a 3.3V power supply on them. I am using some of this board for a current project. Don’t let the WLED in the description mislead you. The board is simply a 3V3 regulator and a socket for an ESP8266-01. The output is labeled Vcc, Gnd and Sig., but Sig is just GPIO2. But since the ESP is a 3.3V device you still need a relay or data-level MOSFET to ground the PS_ON pin which is 5V.
Also it has a AMS1117 voltage regulator to supply 3.3v to the esp. You can put 5v (or higher) in the input supply (the 2 head green screw block) and the AMS1117 will regulate the voltage to the esp.
The relay is specced higher, and is unrelated to the supply voltage.