I am getting the below display when entering ESP Home (Dev), always worked fine before I upgraded to 98.4
Everything still works and happens on various pc’s so not a caching issue.
I am getting the below display when entering ESP Home (Dev), always worked fine before I upgraded to 98.4
Everything still works and happens on various pc’s so not a caching issue.
It’s a Dev build, try the stable release
Can I just install that and have it pickup all my nodes?
Do i need to uninstall teh Dev version first?
Just delete the addon config dev option and restart the addon.
Sorry, but…
How do i delete, there are only options are to UNINSTALL or REBUILD, I’m just concerned I will loose all my node scripts.
Go to the addon page (Hassio menu / Dashboard / Esphome ) and scroll down to where you changed this (the dev option is not default so you must have done this at some stage):
Click reset to defaults then save. Then restart:
None of this will affect your nodes.
This give an error BAD GATE WAY…
When I click Reset Defaults it puts the dev option back in.
I have never touched this area, proboably just selected the dev add-on to install originally as i know i wasnt sure which one to use.
Ok, just delete the dev option and replace with empty braces {}, save, restart.
The bad gateway error is because Esphome is not ready yet. Takes a little while to start, just try again / refresh the page again after 10 to 20 seconds.
One thing to note however is that the current non dev version cannot compile for ESP32 boards. If you are using an ESP32 board you might be better off putting up with the wonky display. It’s still fully functional, just the names of the menus are incorrect. E.g. clicking “more_vert” will show the correct menu.
OK, yes I do used ESP32.
Deleting that out still wont force to the non-dev version either, but no worries I’ll just close my eyes when looking at this page.
Ah ok. I have the stable release and can set or delete the dev option. I guess it’s logical that the dev version from the addon store does not have the option to downgrade to the stable release.
THere are 3 different addons in the repo from memory… uninstall dev and add the normal one.
This is happening to me running ESPHome in a separate docker container on my NAS. I don’t think it has anything to do with the version of HA or the installation method. I believe something changed in the web frontend ESPHome uses. I have ESPHome 1.13.6 (latest stable release), HA 0.97.2, and both in docker.