ESP home multi sensor + switches not visible

I came from espeasy and after a few succesfull esphome nodes I wanted to convert the last one!
a nodemcuv2 with a dht, a pulsetracking for my water meter and a gpio switcher to control my ventilation system.

on esp it worked with the pin layout so I tried to keep them the same.
when checking my logs i see that the hum and temp are available but not in my home assistant.
I also cannot see my switches so I cant test them.

my code is (and I’m affraid I do something wrong, but cannot see what it is):

  name: esp_beneden
  platform: ESP8266
  board: nodemcuv2

  ssid: "Wlan"
  password: !secret esphome_password

# Enable logging
  level: DEBUG

# Enable Home Assistant API
  password: !secret esphome_password
  password: !secret esphome_password

  - platform: gpio
    pin: D6
    name: Fanspeed2
    id: stand2
    interlock: [stand1, stand3, stand4]
  - platform: gpio    
    pin: D7
    name: Fanspeed1
    id: stand1
    interlock: [stand1, stand3,stand4]
  - platform: gpio    
    pin:  D5
    name: Fanspeed4
    id: stand4
    interlock: [stand1, stand2,stand3]
  - platform: gpio
    pin: D8
    name: Fanspeed3
    id: stand3
    interlock: [stand1, stand2,stand4]

  - platform: pulse_counter
    pin: D3
    name: "Watermeter"
  - platform: dht
    pin: GPIO10 #D12
      name: "meterkast Temperature"
      name: "meterkast Humidity"
    update_interval: 60s

  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: "WiFi Signal esp_beneden"
    update_interval: 60s

  - platform: status
    name: "esp_beneden_status"

my logs:

[18:43:59][I][app:096]: esphome version 1.13.6 compiled on Jun 24 2019, 18:30:59
[18:43:59][C][wifi:372]: WiFi:
[18:43:59][C][wifi:254]:   SSID: [redacted]
[18:43:59][C][wifi:255]:   IP Address:
[18:43:59][C][wifi:257]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[18:43:59][C][wifi:258]:   Hostname: 'esp_beneden'
[18:43:59][C][wifi:262]:   Signal strength: -55 dB ▂▄▆█
[18:43:59][C][wifi:263]:   Channel: 4
[18:43:59][C][wifi:264]:   Subnet:
[18:43:59][C][wifi:265]:   Gateway:
[18:43:59][C][wifi:266]:   DNS1:
[18:43:59][C][wifi:267]:   DNS2:
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:042]: GPIO Switch 'Fanspeed2'
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:043]:   Pin: GPIO12 (Mode: OUTPUT)
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:059]:   Restore Mode: Restore (Defaults to OFF)
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:061]:   Interlocks:
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:065]:     Fanspeed1
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:065]:     Fanspeed3
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:065]:     Fanspeed4
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:042]: GPIO Switch 'Fanspeed1'
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:043]:   Pin: GPIO13 (Mode: OUTPUT)
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:059]:   Restore Mode: Restore (Defaults to OFF)
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:061]:   Interlocks:
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:065]:     Fanspeed3
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:065]:     Fanspeed4
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:042]: GPIO Switch 'Fanspeed4'
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:043]:   Pin: GPIO14 (Mode: OUTPUT)
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:059]:   Restore Mode: Restore (Defaults to OFF)
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:061]:   Interlocks:
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:065]:     Fanspeed1
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:065]:     Fanspeed2
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:065]:     Fanspeed3
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:042]: GPIO Switch 'Fanspeed3'
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:043]:   Pin: GPIO15 (Mode: OUTPUT)
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:059]:   Restore Mode: Restore (Defaults to OFF)
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:061]:   Interlocks:
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:065]:     Fanspeed1
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:065]:     Fanspeed2
[18:43:59][C][switch.gpio:065]:     Fanspeed4
[18:43:59][C][logger:137]: Logger:
[18:43:59][C][logger:138]:   Level: DEBUG
[18:43:59][C][logger:139]:   Log Baud Rate: 115200
[18:43:59][C][logger:140]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[18:43:59][C][pulse_counter:147]: Pulse Counter 'Watermeter'
[18:43:59][C][pulse_counter:147]:   Unit of Measurement: 'pulses/min'
[18:43:59][C][pulse_counter:147]:   Accuracy Decimals: 2
[18:43:59][C][pulse_counter:147]:   Icon: 'mdi:pulse'
[18:43:59][C][pulse_counter:148]:   Pin: GPIO0 (Mode: INPUT)
[18:43:59][C][pulse_counter:149]:   Rising Edge: INCREMENT
[18:43:59][C][pulse_counter:150]:   Falling Edge: DISABLE
[18:43:59][C][pulse_counter:151]:   Filtering pulses shorter than 13 µs
[18:43:59][C][dht:017]: DHT:
[18:43:59][C][dht:018]:   Pin: GPIO10 (Mode: INPUT)
[18:43:59][C][dht:020]:   Auto-detected model: DHT11
[18:43:59][C][dht:027]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[18:43:59][C][dht:029]:   Temperature 'meterkast Temperature'
[18:43:59][C][dht:029]:     Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[18:43:59][C][dht:029]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[18:43:59][C][dht:029]:     Icon: 'mdi:thermometer'
[18:43:59][C][dht:030]:   Humidity 'meterkast Humidity'
[18:43:59][C][dht:030]:     Unit of Measurement: '%'
[18:43:59][C][dht:030]:     Accuracy Decimals: 0
[18:43:59][C][dht:030]:     Icon: 'mdi:water-percent'
[18:43:59][C][status:034]: Status Binary Sensor 'esp_beneden_status'
[18:43:59][C][status:034]:   Device Class: 'connectivity'
[18:43:59][C][ota:029]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[18:43:59][C][ota:030]:   Address:
[18:43:59][C][ota:032]:   Using Password.
[18:43:59][C][api:103]: API Server:
[18:43:59][C][api:104]:   Address:
[18:43:59][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: WiFi Signal 'WiFi Signal esp_beneden'
[18:43:59][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Unit of Measurement: 'dB'
[18:43:59][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[18:43:59][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Icon: 'mdi:wifi'

who can help me? I don’t want to use espeasy anymore because the other esphomes I have running are fine, and I like it a lot to have everything the same.

Silly question, but did you give this node a unique name?

You should see the node in Home Assistant’s Configuration -> Integrations as ESPHome: esp_benden
If not, go to the + at the bottom right to add an integration, in the address enter esp_beneden.local or the which is the unique ip you given it.

You should see on ESPHome logs that Home Assistant connected to it (api connection works the other way than with MQTT)

Wow thanks! it works :slightly_smiling_face:
because the other esps were automiticly added I didn’t use the +add.
But now I the have added the integration, and the fan works!

thanks a lot!