ESP Home Release 2023.12.6 - causes yaml build issue

I am getting the following build error with the release 2023.12.6

INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/esphome-weather-display.yaml…
INFO Detected timezone ‘America/Toronto’
Failed config

binary_sensor.gpio: [source :325]
platform: gpio
number: 14
input: True
output: False
open_drain: False
pullup: False
pulldown: False
inverted: False
ignore_strapping_warning: False
drive_strength: 20.0
name: Key Button
id: key_button
internal: True
- invert: {}
- then:

        ID 'disp' of type tdisplays3::TDisplayS3 doesn't inherit from display::DisplayBuffer. Please double check your ID is pointing to the correct value.
        id: disp
    - component.update: 
        id: disp

disabled_by_default: False

on this project

Everything was fine until 2023.12.6.

The above is complaining about code around name: Key Button however that code is not in the yaml file.

I’m afraid I don’t otherwise know where it is being picked up from.

Any insights would be appreciated.

Please post the full yaml file for the esp, and please format it correctly with code tags.

The external components used are apparently dependent on classes from ESPHome that have changed. Those external components need to be updated, so you should post the issue there.

This has info on the fix.

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@Akriss thank you - its helpful to know a fix is on the way!

now resolve in the version of ESPHome release today (2023.12.8)