ESP Home with wmos mini boot probleme

I am using a wmos d1 mini with esp home to control water valves in our garden. That works perfectly fine. Since last week I added a rain sensor with a potential free contact. It just is closed if the sensor is dry and it opens when it rains.
Here the ESP Home Code

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO2
        input: true
        pullup: true
    name: Rain
    device_class: moisture

Now the Problem I got. When the rain-sensor is connected to ground and D4 (with pullup) the wmos mini will not startup properly - its will never show up in Home Assistant. After disconnecting the rain sensor, the wmos mini comes up as normal. I also can connect the rain sensor afterwards an everything including the rain sensor works fine. The question: What happens during the startup, the prevents the normal boot if ground and D4 is connected?
Thanks for your help.

GPIO2 (D4) is connected to an integrated LED, startup will fail if pulled LOW.
Use a different pin.

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Have a look at ESP8266 Pinout Reference: Which GPIO pins should you use? | Random Nerd Tutorials to see which pins are safe to use.