ESP Module unable to connect to WI-FI

Hi All

I recently purchased a ESP32D0WDQ5 (revision 1) device and loaded the custom firmware from Hassio 3.8 in a VM with ESPHome module loaded in home assistant.

Once flashed via USB and the device has restarted, I am not able to see the device join my WI-FI network (left for 5-10 mins) I have tried loaded custom firmware from ESPHome, both ‘ESP8266’ & ‘esp_wroom_02’ boards and still no luck. (checked WI-FI name and credentials)

I have check ESPHome and forums here, and can’t find any information about how you determine the physical board you have with the list of devices available in the flashing process.

I am using ESPflasher on Windows to do the flashing process (hold boot button)

Hopefully someone out there has come across something similar and or has experience with these sorts of things.

post your config