ESP smart сoffee machine Philips 5400 Series

Looking at your Sigrok images, probably turning on requires some communication both direction.

First of all I would have the logic analyser connected to see all the communication when testing commands.

I would start with the first command, what the display sends. Wait to see what happens then. Probably the mainboard replies, and to that reply the display have to send something again to confirm that start up procedure. Then again I would look forward if the 3rd exchange is required or not.

It might be not that much simple as you assume, as the display seems to be doing far more than a normal button setup device.

Many cases when trying to add a second controller it is important to do a Men-In-The-Middle, because the communication requires confirmation as well. Or to understand what is the state when the machine operated locally.

Also, I would look at the other lines as well, maybe powering on uses one of the other ones also. (Quite unlikely but who knows, maybe it just goes high or low as trigger.)

Connected the BS170 transistor. About the scheme in a little more detail will be below.

The output voltage is +5V, so it should be

I added a switch to control the transistor, which, in theory, should interrupt the power supply to the screen and feed it again. When we do this, we see from the logs that the coffee machine is trying to start, but this does not happen. The coffee machine does not turn on and the screen does not turn on either.

  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO14
    name: Display
    internal: False #Скрыть - true \показать - false
    id: id_switch_display
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
    - delay: 500ms
    - switch.turn_on: id_switch_display

I created a button to turn on the coffee machine, through which commands are sent every 18.536000000ms, and then a command is sent to restart the display. The coffee machine does not turn on because there is no answer about the motherboard

I made a lot of different combinations for the test. Here is an example of two commands

Option 1

  - platform: template
    name: "Turn on 1"
      - uart.write:
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC8, 0x87, 0x1B, 0x40, 0x55, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xAC, 0xE8, 0x5A, 0xE6, 0x55]
      - delay: !lambda "18.536 ms;"
      - uart.write:
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x93, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x81, 0x90, 0xAD, 0xE0, 0x55]
      - delay: !lambda "18.536;"
      - switch.turn_off: id_switch_display

Option 2

  - platform: template
    name: "Turn on 2"
      - uart.write:
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC8, 0x87, 0x1B, 0x40, 0x55]
      - delay: !lambda "return 18.536;"
      - switch.turn_off: id_switch_display

Where did I get the delay of 18.536 ms? When I was taking data through a logic analyzer and viewing data through the Pulse View program, I decided to measure the time between sending a command from the screen and receiving a response from the motherboard, and this time was 18.536000000 ms

When we press the touch button on the coffee machine, I see the following data

The command being sent is AA:AA:AA:FE:00:00:C8:87:1B:40:55:AA:AA:AA:FF:00:01:00:AC:E8:5A:E6:55

Answer AA:AA:AA:FE:00:00:C8:87:1B:40:55 from the motherboard after 18.536000000 ms and after that the coffee machine turns on

This is the data from the logs when the coffee machine is turned on from the touch button and I highlighted in red where the screen sends a command and receives a response from the motherboard, and in blue, after a successful greeting, the coffee machine turns on

I tried to repeat this case, but it turns out unsuccessfully, the coffee machine does not turn on, because it does not respond. When sending a command from ESPHome AA:AA:AA:FE:00:00:C8:87:1B:40:55:AA:AA:AA:FF:00:01:00:AC:E8:5A:E6:55, then there is no response from the motherboard

Now about the scheme itself. Where did this data come from?

In the header, I posted a link to the motherboard diagram and I decided to study it and based on this diagram, I redid the wiring pinout scheme.

I decided to check the 4 wire that WakeUP, assuming that he could somehow turn on the coffee machine and decided to measure the signals through an oscilloscope and a logic analyzer, and that’s what I saw.

Voltage up to 200mv is supplied only when the coffee machine is turned on, and when the coffee machine is turned off, there is no voltage

Measurement through an oscilloscope

I managed to fix a signal where the voltage is applied up to 200 mv

Measurement of data through a logic analyzer

As you can see, there is no data, there are only 0, which means that only voltage up to 200mv is supplied via 4 wires

In general, I can’t figure out how to make the coffee machine turn on. I will be glad if you offer options on how to do this.

1 Like

According to my observations from all logs, when we turn on the coffee machine with the touch button, it looks like this

The control panel sends the command

»»» AA:AA:AA:FE:00:00:C8:87:1B:40:55:AA:AA:AA:FF:00:01:00:AC:E8:5A:E6:55

next, the motherboard should answer us as well

««« AA:AA:AA:FE:00:00:C8:87:1B:40:55:AA:AA:AA:FF:00:01:00:AC:E8:5A:E6:55

then there is an exchange

>>> 00:AA:AA:AA:FE:00:00:C8:87:1B:40:55
<<< 00:AA:AA:AA:FE:00:00:C8:87:1B:40:55

and the final stage, after that the coffee machine starts to turn on

>>> AA:AA:AA:93:00:01:01:81:90:AD:E0:55:AA:AA:AA:93:00:01:01:81:90:AD:E0:55
<<< AA:AA:AA:93:00:01:01:81:90:AD:E0:55:AA:AA:AA:93:00:01:01:81:90:AD:E0:55

When I was reverse engineering my pellet stove, i recently found out ChatGPT can be quite helpfull helping decoding logic, it is very good at it, provided you ask it the correct questions :grin:

I recently was able to figure out 6 (missing) status parameters , and also found the reset command (which i tried to find for a long time)

I often turned to ChatGPT, to which I received an answer that I needed to consult the documentation or contact Philips technical specialists. If he tries to answer something, he writes that AA:AA:AA is the header, and 55 is the stop bit, and between them is the checksum. I already know that. Therefore, at the moment, ChatGPT benefits 0

I disassembled the control panel and upload a photo of the control panel. I removed the sticker that was on the chip and it became known what kind of chip. STMicroelectronics STM32L4R5 VIT6

Model name of the control panel for Philips 5400

Photo of the Philips 5400 control panel

I figured it out a bit and found the sensors of the drink counter. Created a table of what and how to parse bytes. It turns out that bytes of this type AA:AA:AA:FF are sensors


AA:AA:AA:FF:B0:01:B0:30:A5:65:E8:55 - Drinks counter (Cappuccino) - number 65
AA:AA:AA:FF:CB:01:CB:35:8A:16:77:55 - Drink counter (Latte ma.) - digit 16
AA:AA:AA:FF:2D:01:2D:6A:61:10:93:55 - Drinks counter (Hot) - digit 10
AA:AA:AA:FF:B4:01:B4:F5:C9:01:E8:55 - Drinks counter (Coffee with mo.) - digit 01
AA:AA:AA:FF:18:01:18:32:82:03:E7:55 - Drink counter (Espresso) - digit 03
AA:AA:AA:FF:36:01:36:17:E4:06:09:55 - Drinks counter (Dairy) - digit 6
AA:AA:AA:FF:23:01:23:67:61:36:7E:55 - The drinks counter (Coffee with m.) is the number 36
AA:AA:AA:FF:D1:01:D1:E9:55:C5:9B:55 - Drinks counter (Express) - digit 197
AA:AA:AA:FF:66:01:66:53:9B:D1:0E:55 - Beverage counter (America.) - digit 521
AA:AA:AA:FF:A5:01:A5:40:20:55:9F:55 - Drinks counter (Coffee) - number 55

I’m not good at ESPHome. How do I create sensors to extract bytes, because they have changing data. ChatGPT shows me some kind of game and I have already stopped believing it, because it often gives false answers. Below I made a config with the iron-specified bits. For example bytes[9]==0xC5 is the number 197 if translated from HEX to a number. So the data bytes[7]==XX && bytes[8]==XX && bytes[9]==XX && bytes[10]==XX change here, but it needs to be displayed in the sensor as numbers

 - id: uart_display
   rx_pin: GPIO16
   tx_pin: GPIO17
   baud_rate: 115200
   stop_bits: 1
   data_bits: 8
   parity: NONE
#   rx_buffer_size: 256
#   debug:
#    direction: BOTH
#    dummy_receiver: false

 - id: uart_mainboard
   rx_pin: GPIO3
   tx_pin: GPIO1
   baud_rate: 115200
   stop_bits: 1
   data_bits: 8
   parity: NONE
   rx_buffer_size: 256
     direction: BOTH
     dummy_receiver: false
      - lambda: |-
          UARTDebug::log_hex(direction, bytes, ':');
            if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xFF && bytes[4]==0xD1 && bytes[5]==0x01 && bytes[9]==0xC5 && bytes[11]==0x55) { id(idDrinkscountEspress).publish_state("197"); }
            else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xFF && bytes[4]==0x18 && bytes[5]==0x01 && bytes[9]==0x03 && bytes[11]==0x55) { id(idDrinkscounterEspresso).publish_state("03"); }
            else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xFF && bytes[4]==0x23 && bytes[5]==0x01 && bytes[9]==0x36 && bytes[11]==0x55) { id(idDrinkscounterCoffeeMilk).publish_state("36"); }
            else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xFF && bytes[4]==0xA5 && bytes[5]==0x01 && bytes[9]==0x55 && bytes[11]==0x55) { id(idDrinkscounterCoffee).publish_state("55"); }
            else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xFF && bytes[4]==0x66 && bytes[5]==0x01 && bytes[9]==0xD1 && bytes[11]==0x55) { id(idDrinkscounterAmerica).publish_state("521"); }

##### Drinks counter
#Drink counter: Espresso 1
  - platform: template
    id: idDrinkscountEspress
    name: "Espress counter"
    update_interval: 30s

#Drink counter: Espresso 2
  - platform: template
    id: idDrinkscounterEspresso
    name: "Espresso counter"
    update_interval: 30s

#Beverage Counter: Coffee
  - platform: template
    id: idDrinkscounterCoffee
    name: "Coffee Counter"
    update_interval: 30s

#Beverage counter: Coffee with milk (Coffee with m.)
  - platform: template
    id: idDrinkscounterCoffeeMilk
    name: "Coffee Counter with Milk"
    update_interval: 30s

#Drinks counter: America.
  - platform: template
    id: idDrinkscounterAmerica
    name: "Counter Americano"
    update_interval: 30s

That's what GhatGPT offers me, utter nonsense. I will give examples to understand why I don't trust GhatGPT
  - platform: template
    id: idDrinkscounterEspresso1
    name: "Drink counter: Espresso 1"
    update_interval: 60s
    lambda: |-
      if (id(uart_mainboard).state.length() >= 12 &&
          id(uart_mainboard).state[0] == 0xAA &&
          id(uart_mainboard).state[3] == 0xFF &&
          id(uart_mainboard).state[9] == 0xE0 &&
          id(uart_mainboard).state[11] == 0x55) {
        char byte4Str[3];
        snprintf(byte4Str, sizeof(byte4Str), "%02X", id(uart_mainboard).state[4]);
        return std::string(byte4Str);
      } else {
        return std::string("");
  - platform: template
    id: idDrinkscounterEspresso1
    name: "Drink counter: Espresso 1"
    update_interval: 60s
    lambda: |-
      if (bytes[0] == 0xAA && bytes[3] == 0xFF && bytes[9] == 0xE0 && bytes[11] == 0x55) {
        char byte4Str[3];
        snprintf(byte4Str, sizeof(byte4Str), "%02X", bytes[4]);
        return std::string(byte4Str);
      } else {
        return std::string("");

and when you try to upload the firmware, I get this error

/config/esphome/esp32-smart-coffee-philips.yaml: In lambda function:
/config/esphome/esp32-smart-coffee-philips.yaml:135:11: error: 'bytes' was not declared in this scope
       if (bytes[0] == 0xAA && bytes[3] == 0xFF && bytes[9] == 0xE0 && bytes[11] == 0x55) {
/config/esphome/esp32-smart-coffee-philips.yaml:135:11: note: suggested alternative: 'byte'
       if (bytes[0] == 0xAA && bytes[3] == 0xFF && bytes[9] == 0xE0 && bytes[11] == 0x55) {
/config/esphome/esp32-smart-coffee-philips.yaml:142:3: warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]
*** [/data/esp32-smart-coffee-philips/.pioenvs/esp32-smart-coffee-philips/src/main.cpp.o] Error 1
========================== [FAILED] Took 7.20 seconds ==========================

Hi again,

I faced the same challenge, but for my stove i just used esp-link to set up the serial line, and build a custom integration (now on HAcs) from there using python.

Maybe it has some usefull info?

@aceindy The option that was offered is too complicated, you need something simpler. You need something like this. This is a very similar option for this project. I need to extract 9 bytes with changeable bits and show them in the sensor as numbers.

I tried to do it like his, but I ran into a problem. After filling in the code after successful compilation on ESP, an error occurs:

WARNING Can’t connect to ESPHome API for esp32-smart-coffee-philips.local: Error connecting to (‘’, 6053): [Errno 111] Connect call failed (‘’, 6053)

and the web interface becomes unavailable. If I comment out the user sensor, the web interface becomes available. I don’t understand how the user sensor blocks the web interface?

Here’s what I did that causes the API to be blocked and after that esp is not available either through the Home Assistant or through the web interface, but I can upload the firmware via ESPHome

  name: ${node_name}
  friendly_name: esp32-smart-coffee-philips
  comment: ESP32 Smart Coffee Philips
    - /config/esphome/components/smart_coffee_philips_5400/philips5400_sensor.h

- platform: custom
  lambda: |-
    auto coffeedrinkcount = new DrinkCountSensor(id(uart_mainboard));
    return {

    - name: "Espress"
      id: "counter_espress"
    - name: "Espresso"
      id: "counter_espresso"
    - name: "Coffee"
      id: "counter_coffee"
    - name: "Coffee Milk"
      id: "counter_coffee_milk"
    - name: "America"
      id: "counter_america"

The code in the philips 5400_sensor.h component itself

#include "esphome.h"

class DrinkCountSensor : public PollingComponent, public Sensor, public UARTDevice {
    DrinkCountSensor(UARTComponent *parent) : PollingComponent(600), UARTDevice(parent) {}

  Sensor *counter_espress = new Sensor();
  Sensor *counter_espresso = new Sensor();
  Sensor *counter_coffee = new Sensor();
  Sensor *counter_coffee_milk = new Sensor();
  Sensor *counter_america = new Sensor();

  void setup() override {}

  std::vector<int> bytes;

  void update() override {
    if (bytes[0] == 0xAA && bytes[3] == 0xFF && bytes[11] == 0x55) {
      uint8_t counter_byte = static_cast<uint8_t>(bytes[9]);
      const uint8_t BIT_COUNTER_ESPRESS = 0xD1; 
      const uint8_t BIT_COUNTER_ESPRESSO = 0x18; 
      const uint8_t BIT_COUNTER_COFFEE = 0xA5; 
      const uint8_t BIT_COUNTER_COFFEE_MILK = 0x23;
      const uint8_t BIT_COUNTER_AMERICA = 0x66;

      counter_espress->publish_state(static_cast<bool>(counter_byte & BIT_COUNTER_ESPRESS));
      counter_espresso->publish_state(static_cast<bool>(counter_byte & BIT_COUNTER_ESPRESSO));
      counter_coffee->publish_state(static_cast<bool>(counter_byte & BIT_COUNTER_COFFEE));
      counter_coffee_milk->publish_state(static_cast<bool>(counter_byte & BIT_COUNTER_COFFEE_MILK));
      counter_america->publish_state(static_cast<bool>(counter_byte & BIT_COUNTER_AMERICA));


The API found the reason for the breakdown, it turns out that you need to specify a restriction and a condition like this, but the problem with the output of counters is not solved.

if (bytes.size() < 12) {

ChatGPT advises me a lot of things. Below is the code for his answers and nothing works, the sensors are not displayed

So prescribed in the configuration

  - platform: custom
    lambda: |-
      auto coffeedrinkcount = new DrinkCountSensor(id(uart_mainboard));
      return {

      - name: "Espress"
        id: "counter_espress"
      - name: "Espresso"
        id: "counter_espresso"
      - name: "Coffee"
        id: "counter_coffee"
      - name: "Coffee Milk"
        id: "counter_coffee_milk"
      - name: "America"
        id: "counter_america"

In the philips 5400_sensor.h file

#include "esphome.h"

class DrinkCountSensor : public PollingComponent, public UARTDevice {
  DrinkCountSensor(UARTComponent *parent) : PollingComponent(10000), UARTDevice(parent) {}

  TextSensor *counter_espress           = new TextSensor();
  TextSensor *counter_espresso          = new TextSensor();
  TextSensor *counter_coffee            = new TextSensor();
  TextSensor *counter_coffee_milk       = new TextSensor();
  TextSensor *counter_america           = new TextSensor();

  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes;

  void update() override {
    while (available() > 0) {

      if (bytes.size() < 12) {
      } else {
        if (bytes.size() == 12 && bytes[3] == 0xFF && bytes[11] == 0x55) {
          uint8_t counter_byte = bytes[9];
          const uint8_t BIT_COUNTER_ESPRESS[] = {0xD1, 0x01, 0xD1}; // Beverage Counter (Express)
          const uint8_t BIT_COUNTER_ESPRESSO[] = {0x18, 0x01, 0x18}; // Beverage counter (Espresso)
          const uint8_t BIT_COUNTER_COFFEE[] = {0xA5, 0x01, 0xA5}; // Beverage counter (Coffee)
          const uint8_t BIT_COUNTER_COFFEE_MILK[] = {0x23, 0x01, 0x23}; // Drinks counter (Coffee with milk)
          const uint8_t BIT_COUNTER_AMERICA[] = {0x66, 0x01, 0x66}; // Beverage Counter (Americano)

          counter_espress->publish_state(std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(BIT_COUNTER_ESPRESS), 3));
          counter_espresso->publish_state(std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(BIT_COUNTER_ESPRESSO), 3));
          counter_coffee->publish_state(std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(BIT_COUNTER_COFFEE), 3));
          counter_coffee_milk->publish_state(std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(BIT_COUNTER_COFFEE_MILK), 3));
          counter_america->publish_state(std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(BIT_COUNTER_AMERICA), 3));

          bytes.clear();  // Reset the bytes vector

This version of the code works, but there the bytes are specified rigidly and if the bit changes, the sensor will not be displayed correctly. you need to somehow extract bits from 9 bytes and forward them to the sensor

 - id: uart_mainboard
   rx_pin: GPIO3
   tx_pin: GPIO1
   baud_rate: 115200
   stop_bits: 1
   data_bits: 8
   parity: NONE
   rx_buffer_size: 256
     direction: BOTH
     dummy_receiver: false
      - lambda: |-
          UARTDebug::log_hex(direction, bytes, ':');
          if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xFF && bytes[4]==0xD1 && bytes[5]==0x01 && bytes[9]==0xC5 && bytes[11]==0x55) { id(idDrinkscountEspress).publish_state("197"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xFF && bytes[4]==0x18 && bytes[5]==0x01 && bytes[9]==0x03 && bytes[11]==0x55) { id(idDrinkscounterEspresso).publish_state("03"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xFF && bytes[4]==0x23 && bytes[5]==0x01 && bytes[9]==0x36 && bytes[11]==0x55) { id(idDrinkscounterCoffeeMilk).publish_state("36"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xFF && bytes[4]==0xA5 && bytes[5]==0x01 && bytes[9]==0x55 && bytes[11]==0x55) { id(idDrinkscounterCoffee).publish_state("55"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xFF && bytes[4]==0x66 && bytes[5]==0x01 && bytes[9]==0xD1 && bytes[11]==0x55) { id(idDrinkscounterAmerica).publish_state("521"); }

The good thing is, you got to the point of using a lambda to introduce C code into your ESPHome. Now it’s just a matter of defining the proper mask bit variables and moving the code out of the 5400_sensor.h. For a good example of bit manipulation, review Samuel Seib’s Wiegand component in the ESPHome GitHub

I’m not a programmer and I don’t know esphome well, I use mostly ready-made options. But since I really want to integrate my coffee machine into the Home Assistant, I put all my efforts to what I can. Now I decided to switch to byte search and found the following. I checked and it works. But I can’t find the commands to control. Later I will describe how I found these bytes. If someone undertakes to write code, I will be only glad

And also took aim at these bytes. I think it reflects what kind of drink we are preparing. In order for me to understand this, I will prepare different drinks and compare

Here is my code for ESPHome
  board_name: ESP32 Smart Coffee Philips
  node_name: esp32-smart-coffee-philips

  name: ${node_name}
  friendly_name: esp32-smart-coffee-philips
  comment: ESP32 Smart Coffee Philips

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  fast_connect: on
  reboot_timeout: 10min
    ssid: ESP SmartCoffeePhilips
    password: !secret ap_esp_password


  port: 80

  level: DEBUG
  baud_rate: 0

  password: "esphome"

    key: !secret api_key

  - source: github://TillFleisch/ESPHome-Philips-Smart-Coffee@main

 - id: uart_mainboard
   rx_pin: GPIO3
   tx_pin: GPIO1
   baud_rate: 115200
   stop_bits: 1
   data_bits: 8
   parity: NONE
   rx_buffer_size: 256
     direction: TX
     dummy_receiver: false

 - id: uart_display
   rx_pin: GPIO16
   tx_pin: GPIO17
   baud_rate: 115200
   stop_bits: 1
   data_bits: 8
   parity: NONE
   rx_buffer_size: 256
     direction: TX
     dummy_receiver: false
      - lambda: |-
          UARTDebug::log_hex(direction, bytes, ':');
          if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[6]==0x06 && bytes[9]==0x00) { 
            id(idWater).publish_state("There is water");
            id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Choose a drink");
          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "Took out the container with water"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[6]==0x0E && bytes[9]==0x40) { id(idWater).publish_state("There is no water"); }
          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "Removed the pallet"  
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[6]==0x0E && bytes[9]==0x80) { id(idCoffeeGroundsContainer).publish_state("Retrieved"); }

          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "The pallet and the container with water were taken out"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[6]==0x0E && bytes[9]==0xC0) { 
            id(idWater).publish_state("There is no water"); 

          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "Making coffee"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x0C && bytes[7]==0x01) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Enjoy (01)"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x0E) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Pause (0E)"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x0D) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Grinding grains (0D)"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x10) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Pour milk (10)"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x11) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Pour coffee (11)"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x12) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("12"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x13) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Creating pressure for milk (13)"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x14) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("14"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x15) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("15"); }
          //AA:AA:AA:B5 "Status 1"
          if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0x00) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("00"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0x0B) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("0B"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0xE6) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("E6"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0x80) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("80"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0xCB) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("CB"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 &&& bytes[10]==0x00 & bytes[11]==0xFF) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("FF"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0xA0) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("A0"); }
          //AA:AA:AA:B5 "Status 2"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00) { id(idStatusUnknown2).publish_state("00"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x01) { id(idStatusUnknown2).publish_state("01"); }

  display_uart: uart_display
  mainboard_uart: uart_mainboard
  power_pin: GPIO12
  id: philip

  - platform: template
    id: idWater
    name: "Water"
    update_interval: 10s

  - platform: template
    id: idCoffeeGroundsContainer
    name: "Coffee Grounds Container"
    update_interval: 10s

  - platform: template
    id: idUnknown
    name: "Unknown"
    update_interval: 10s

  - platform: template
    id: idStatusCoffee
    name: "Status Coffee"
    update_interval: 10s

  - platform: template
    id: idMakingCoffee
    name: "Stages of coffee preparation"
    update_interval: 10s

  - platform: restart
    name: Restart
    icon: mdi:restart

  - platform: template
    name: "Turn off" 
      - uart.write:
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC8, 0x87, 0x1B, 0x40, 0x55] #AA:AA:AA:FE:00:00:C8:87:1B:40:55

I will share my experience of how I found bytes. this can help others who want to join this project and bring it to the end.

In order to find the necessary bytes, you do not need to press the same buttons many times and time the time, because even if you fix the time of pressing, the execution in the logs will be as we fixed.

The first thing to do is install ESPHome on Windows and write all the data to a log file.

Copy the configuration file from ESPHome to Home Assistant on Windows to the ESPHome folder and run the log entry with the command, specifying our configuration file and the name of the text file for the logs

esphome logs esp32-smart-coffee-philips.yaml > esp32_philips5400_protocol.txt

Next, I copied the text file into Word and specified the key bytes, these are the address and functions

Function Description

AA:AA:AA:93 - display of the selected program on the LCD
AA:AA:AA:90 - a set of recipes
AA:AA:AA:91 - starting the preparation of a drink
AA:AA:AA:B0 - sensors of water container, tray, coffee grounds, coffee preparation statuses
AA:AA:AA:B5 - counters for making coffee and milk drinks
AA:AA:AA:BA - apparently service information, firmware version, date
AA:AA:AA:BB - rarely comes across
AA:AA:AA:FF - data from the control panel
AA:AA:AA:FE - turning off the coffee machine

If we see differences, we insert them into a notepad and compare them, and we see how the bytes change. This is the anomaly, this is our bytes

We look in word, where the countdown started at 07:07:10 96:00:00 / 96:00:02 / 96:00:05 / 96:00:06

This can be used in the sensor if there is a desire to track the status of the preparation of milk foam from 0 to 100%

For example, we are looking for bytes for a container with water and a pallet

Hooray :partying_face:, I found how to operate a coffee machine. To make coffee, we look in the logs for the address and functions that are listed below, this is the command to start making coffee. Start recording in the log, select the parameters we need (strength, amount of water, number of cups) to make coffee and run, then we find the command in the logs. Why is that? Because then we run what we set in the settings, so you can create a lot of different scripts with different parameters.

AA AA AA 93 
AA AA AA 90 

The commands must go strictly in this order, although they may be scattered in the logs, but in ESPHome we specify in this sequence

AA AA AA 93 07 01 01 04 86 E2 E5 55 
AA AA AA 90 08 0A 00 02 00 02 03 00 1E 00 00 00 98 80 81 70 55
AA AA AA 91 09 01 03 A9 02 7B AB 55
This is how the commands in the logs look like

Example of a button to run a command from a log in ESPHome

  - platform: template
    name: "Espresso X1" 
      - uart.write:
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x93, 0x07, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x86, 0xE2, 0xE5, 0x55]
      - uart.write:    
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x90, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, 0x80, 0x81, 0x70, 0x55]
      - uart.write:    
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x91, 0x09, 0x01, 0x03, 0xA9, 0x02, 0x7B, 0xAB, 0x55]

What is implemented in the code?

  1. Status of the water container
  2. Pallet status (coffee grounds container)
  3. Coffee grounds sensor
  4. Coffee preparation statuses
  5. Sensor for the presence of coffee beans
  6. One recipe for making Espresso for 30 ml for the dough, then you can create buttons with recipes yourself
  7. Turning off the coffee machine
Full and working code
  board_name: ESP32 Smart Coffee Philips
  node_name: esp32-smart-coffee-philips

  name: ${node_name}
  friendly_name: esp32-smart-coffee-philips
  comment: ESP32 Smart Coffee Philips

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  fast_connect: on
  reboot_timeout: 10min
    ssid: ESP SmartCoffeePhilips
    password: !secret ap_esp_password


  port: 80

  level: DEBUG
  baud_rate: 0

  password: "esphome"

    key: !secret api_key

  - source: github://TillFleisch/ESPHome-Philips-Smart-Coffee@main

 - id: uart_mainboard
   rx_pin: GPIO3
   tx_pin: GPIO1
   baud_rate: 115200
   stop_bits: 1
   data_bits: 8
   parity: NONE
   rx_buffer_size: 256
     direction: TX
     dummy_receiver: false

 - id: uart_display
   rx_pin: GPIO16
   tx_pin: GPIO17
   baud_rate: 115200
   stop_bits: 1
   data_bits: 8
   parity: NONE
   rx_buffer_size: 256
     direction: TX
     dummy_receiver: false
      - lambda: |-
          UARTDebug::log_hex(direction, bytes, ':');
          if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[6]==0x06 && bytes[9]==0x00) { 
            id(idWater).publish_state("There is water");
            id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Choose a drink");
            id(idGrainTray).publish_state("There are coffee beans");

          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "Availability of coffee beans"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x08 && bytes[7]==0x05) { id(idGrainTray).publish_state("Coffee beans are out"); }

          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "Took out the container with water"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[6]==0x0E && bytes[9]==0x40) { id(idWater).publish_state("There is no water"); }

          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "Removed the pallet"  
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[6]==0x0E && bytes[9]==0x80) { id(idPallet).publish_state("Retrieved"); }

          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "The container with coffee grounds is filled"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x0E && bytes[9]==0x00) { id(idCoffeeGroundsContainer).publish_state("Oporozhe. container for coffee grounds"); }

          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "The pallet and the container with water were taken out"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[6]==0x0E && bytes[9]==0xC0) { 
            id(idWater).publish_state("There is no water"); 

          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "Making coffee"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x0C && bytes[7]==0x01) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Enjoy (01)"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x0E) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Pause (0E)"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x0D) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Grinding grains (0D)"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x10) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Pour milk (10)"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x11) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Pour coffee (11)"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x12) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("12"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x13) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Creating pressure for milk (13)"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x14) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("14"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x15) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("15"); }
          //AA:AA:AA:B5 "Status 1"
          if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0x00) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("00"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0x0B) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("0B"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0xE6) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("E6"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0x80) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("80"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0xCB) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("CB"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 &&& bytes[10]==0x00 & bytes[11]==0xFF) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("FF"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0xA0) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("A0"); }
          //AA:AA:AA:B5 "Status 2"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00) { id(idStatusUnknown2).publish_state("00"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x01) { id(idStatusUnknown2).publish_state("01"); }

  display_uart: uart_display
  mainboard_uart: uart_mainboard
  power_pin: GPIO12
  id: philip

  - platform: template
    id: idWater
    name: "Water"
    update_interval: 10s

  - platform: template
    id: idCoffeeGroundsContainer
    name: "Coffee Grounds Container"
    update_interval: 10s

  - platform: template
    id: idPallet
    name: "Coffee Pallet"
    update_interval: 10s

  - platform: template
    id: idUnknown
    name: "Unknown"
    update_interval: 10s

  - platform: template
    id: idStatusCoffee
    name: "Status Coffee"
    update_interval: 10s

  - platform: template
    id: idMakingCoffee
    name: "Stages of coffee preparation"
    update_interval: 10s

  - platform: template
    id: idGrainTray
    name: "Grain Tray"
    update_interval: 10s

  - platform: restart
    name: Restart
    icon: mdi:restart

  - platform: template
    name: "Turn off" 
      - uart.write:
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC8, 0x87, 0x1B, 0x40, 0x55] #AA:AA:AA:FE:00:00:C8:87:1B:40:55

Extracted recipes for making coffee drinks. Not all work and the program does not always run correctly. Probably because it is necessary to substitute only certain bytes, and not all where there are generated and managed bytes, and probably because I insert the generated bytes, this confuses the program, since the generated bytes go as a counter

In the screenshot, I highlighted bytes that indicate which drink needs to be made, strong, with or without milk

Recipes for making coffee drinks

Drink: Espresso. Grain: Minimum. Coffee: 30 ml. Serving: 1


Drink: Espresso X1. Grain: Medium. Coffee: 40 ml. Serving: 1


Drink: Espresso X1. Grain: Maximum. Coffee: 40 ml. Serving: 1


Drink: Espresso X2. Grain: Maximum. Coffee: 40 ml. Serving: 2

Drink: Espresso X1. Grain: Extra Shot. Coffee: 90 ml. Serving: 1


Drink: Coffee X1. Grain: Maximum. Coffee: 150 ml. Serving: 1


Drink: Americano X1. Grain: Maximum. Coffee: 100 ml. Serving: 1


Drink: Cappuccino. Grain: Maximum. Coffee: 80 ml. Milk: 150 ml


Drink: Latte Macchiato. Grain: Maximum. Coffee: 40 ml. Milk: 200 ml


Drink: Coffee with milk. Grain: Maximum. Coffee: 150 ml. Milk: 90 ml



To run any recipe, create a button

An example of launching a Cappuccino drink. Grain: Maximum. Coffee: 80 ml. Milk: 150 ml

#Drink: Cappuccino. Grain: Maximum. Coffee: 80 ml. Milk: 150 ml
  - platform: template
    name: "Cappuccino. Grain: Maximum. Coffee: 80 ml. Milk: 150 ml" 
      - uart.write:
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x93, 0x07, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x86, 0xE2, 0xE5, 0x55] 
      - uart.write:    
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x90, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x03, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x50, 0x00, 0x96, 0x00, 0x69, 0x6A, 0xA6, 0xBD, 0x55] 
      - uart.write:    
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x91, 0x09, 0x01, 0x03, 0xA9, 0x02, 0x7B, 0xAB, 0x55] 

An example of launching an Espresso drink. Grain: Extra Shot. Coffee: 90 ml. Serving: 1

#Drink: Espresso. Grain: Extra Shot. Coffee: 90 ml. Serving: 1
  - platform: template
    name: "Espresso X1 Extra Shot 90ml" 
      - uart.write:
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x93, 0x09, 0x01, 0x01, 0x0E, 0xAB, 0x7C, 0xEF, 0x55]
      - uart.write:    
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x90, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x5A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x86, 0x6D, 0xC9, 0xB6, 0x55]
      - uart.write:    
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x91, 0x0B, 0x01, 0x03, 0xC7, 0xD6, 0xFF, 0xA8, 0x55]

I partially deciphered the protocol of coffee drinks, if in the future I understand what the remaining bytes mean, I will definitely update the information. If you understand what it could be, write. I didn’t quite understand what the 7, 8, 9 and 10 bytes mean. I assume that some of them are responsible for the fortress, grain or ground.

Using a calculator with the selected programmer mode, you can enter HEX and get DEC and find out the volume of coffee and milk

I found a specific oddity in launching the found recipes via ESPHome. If bytes are found in PulseView and pulled out through export to a file, then this will not work.

It’s just that the bytes are clearly visible in PulseView and there is an understanding of what the command should look like, but unfortunately I couldn’t get the recipes to run

In order for the recipes to run, it is necessary to make changes to the coffee parameters and save them to the profile, then it will be possible to catch a working team and it will work.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Make sure that direction: RX is enabled in the configuration, it is not recommended to use BOTH or TX. If you turn on BOTH or TX, then when you change the coffee settings on the control panel, the changes will not be saved and what is in the ESP logs will start and this also prevents you from getting data.
An example of how to configure debugging to catch recipes for further launch
 - id: uart_display
   rx_pin: GPIO16
   tx_pin: GPIO17
   baud_rate: 115200
   stop_bits: 1
   data_bits: 8
   parity: NONE
   rx_buffer_size: 256
     direction: RX
     dummy_receiver: false

 - id: uart_mainboard
   rx_pin: GPIO3
   tx_pin: GPIO1
   baud_rate: 115200
   stop_bits: 1
   data_bits: 8
   parity: NONE
   rx_buffer_size: 256
     direction: RX
     dummy_receiver: false
  1. We turn on the coffee machine, as it turns off after we fill the firmware on the esp

  2. Enable logging to a file on your computer. This is very important and it must be started before the preparation of the drink is started. Read more about this here.

  3. Select the desired program. For example, choose a cappuccino, then change the strength, volume of coffee and milk by pressing OK until a picture appears on the screen with a message that you need to install a jug of milk and press start. It is important that the settings are saved in the profile, you need to change something

  4. After clicking on start, if the settings have been changed, a message will appear on the screen that the changes will be saved to such and such a profile, for example in green. Which profile, it doesn’t matter, we just need the recipe to be saved to the profile, and at this moment the data will be captured and written to a log file.

  5. We stop writing to the log

  6. Open a text file with logs and look for 3 lines with bytes, look for AA at once:AA:AA:90, these are our coffee drink recipes

AA:AA:AA:93 - display of the selected program on the LCD
AA:AA:AA:90 - a set of recipes
AA:AA:AA:91 - starting the preparation of a drink

Look carefully, they may be hidden among other bytes. I’ve highlighted how I found them and show how it might look

  1. Let’s say we found the necessary bytes. Below is an example of how I pull out the necessary bytes and create a button with a coffee drink recipe

For convenience, I will take out the code separately and it may be updated from time to time if new sensors and commands for control are found.

What is implemented in the code?

  1. Status of the water container
  2. Pallet status (coffee grounds container)
  3. Coffee grounds sensor
  4. Coffee preparation statuses
  5. Sensor for the presence of coffee beans
  6. Turning off the coffee machine
  7. System sensors showing: switching on, flushing, warming up, turning off
Full and working code
  board_name: ESP32 Smart Coffee Philips
  node_name: esp32-smart-coffee-philips

  name: ${node_name}
  friendly_name: esp32-smart-coffee-philips
  comment: ESP32 Smart Coffee Philips

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  fast_connect: on
  reboot_timeout: 10min
    ssid: ESP SmartCoffeePhilips
    password: !secret ap_esp_password


  port: 80

  level: DEBUG
  baud_rate: 0

  password: "esphome"

    key: !secret api_key

  - source: github://TillFleisch/ESPHome-Philips-Smart-Coffee@main

 - id: uart_mainboard
   rx_pin: GPIO3
   tx_pin: GPIO1
   baud_rate: 115200
   stop_bits: 1
   data_bits: 8
   parity: NONE
   rx_buffer_size: 256
     direction: RX
     dummy_receiver: false

 - id: uart_display
   rx_pin: GPIO16
   tx_pin: GPIO17
   baud_rate: 115200
   stop_bits: 1
   data_bits: 8
   parity: NONE
   rx_buffer_size: 256
     direction: RX
     dummy_receiver: false
      - lambda: |-
          UARTDebug::log_hex(direction, bytes, ':');
          if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x06 && bytes[9]==0x00) { 
            id(idWater).publish_state("There is water");
            id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Not preparing");
            id(idGrainTray).publish_state("There are coffee beans");
            id(idSystemStatus).publish_state("Choose a drink");
          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "Availability of coffee beans"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x08 && bytes[7]==0x05) { id(idGrainTray).publish_state("Coffee beans are out"); }

          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "Took out the container with water"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x0E && bytes[9]==0x40) { id(idWater).publish_state("There is no water"); }

          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "Removed the pallet"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x0E && bytes[9]==0x80) { id(idPallet).publish_state("Retrieved"); }

          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "The container with coffee grounds is filled"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x0E && bytes[9]==0x00) { id(idCoffeeGroundsContainer).publish_state("Oporozhe. container for coffee grounds"); }

          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "The pallet and the container with water were taken out"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x0E && bytes[9]==0xC0) { 
            id(idWater).publish_state("There is no water"); 
          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "System statuses"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x0C && bytes[7]==0x01) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Enjoy"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x0C && bytes[7]==0x02) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Something (07 0C 02)"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x0E) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Water heating"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x0D) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Grinding the grains"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x10) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Pour the milk"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x11) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Pour the coffee"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x12) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("12"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x13) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("Creating steam for milk"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x14) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("14"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x07 && bytes[7]==0x15) { id(idMakingCoffee).publish_state("15"); }

          //AA:AA:AA:B0 "Flushing and other"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x01 && bytes[7]==0x00) { id(idSystemStatus).publish_state("Something (07 01 00)"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x02 && bytes[7]==0x00) { id(idSystemStatus).publish_state("Enabled"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x05 && bytes[7]==0x00) { id(idSystemStatus).publish_state("Off"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x08 && bytes[7]==0x0E) { id(idSystemStatus).publish_state("Heating"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x08 && bytes[7]==0x02) { id(idSystemStatus).publish_state("Flushing"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB0 && bytes[5]==0x07 && bytes[6]==0x08 && bytes[7]==0x14) { id(idSystemStatus).publish_state("Something (07 08 14)"); }

          //AA:AA:AA:B5 "Status 1"
          if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0x00) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("00"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0x0B) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("0B"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0xE6) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("E6"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0x80) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("80"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0xCB) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("CB"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 &&& bytes[10]==0x00 & bytes[11]==0xFF) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("FF"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00 && bytes[11]==0xA0) { id(idStatusUnknown1).publish_state("A0"); }
          //AA:AA:AA:B5 "Status 2"
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x00) { id(idStatusUnknown2).publish_state("00"); }
          else if (bytes[0]==0xAA && bytes[3]==0xB5 && bytes[5]==0x06 && bytes[10]==0x01) { id(idStatusUnknown2).publish_state("01"); }

  display_uart: uart_display
  mainboard_uart: uart_mainboard
  power_pin: GPIO12
  id: philip

################################### Text Sensor ################################
  - platform: wifi_info
      name: ${board_name} IP

  - platform: template
    name: "Water"
    id: idWater
    update_interval: 60s

  - platform: template
    name: "Coffee Grounds Container"
    id: idCoffeeGroundsContainer
    update_interval: 60s

  - platform: template
    name: "Coffee Pallet"
    id: idPallet
    update_interval: 60s

  - platform: template
    name: "Status 1"
    id: idStatusUnknown1
    update_interval: 60s

  - platform: template
    name: "Status 2"
    id: idStatusUnknown2
    update_interval: 60s

  - platform: template
    name: "Making Coffee"
    id: idMakingCoffee
    update_interval: 10s

  - platform: template
    name: "Grain Tray"
    id: idGrainTray
    update_interval: 60s

  - platform: template
    id: idSystemStatus
    name: "System Status"
    update_interval: 60s

  - platform: restart
    name: Restart
    icon: mdi:restart

  - platform: template
    name: "Turn off" 
      - uart.write:
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC8, 0x87, 0x1B, 0x40, 0x55] #AA:AA:AA:FE:00:00:C8:87:1B:40:55

############################ Coffee Recipes #############################

#Drink: Coffee X1. Grain: Maximum. Coffee: 150 ml. Serving: 1
  - platform: template
    name: "Coffee Max 150ml" 
      - uart.write:
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x93, 0x05, 0x01, 0x01, 0x6A, 0x52, 0x66, 0xE6, 0x55]
      - uart.write:    
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x90, 0x06, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x28, 0xA1, 0x4C, 0x55]
      - uart.write:    
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x91, 0x07, 0x01, 0x03, 0xA3, 0x2F, 0xE5, 0xA1, 0x55]

#Drink: Cappuccino. Grain: Minimum (2 out of 5 level scale). Coffee: 20 ml. Milk 100 ml.
  - platform: template
    name: "Cappuccino Min 20/100ml" 
      - uart.write:
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x93, 0x05, 0x01, 0x01, 0x6A, 0x52, 0x66, 0xE6, 0x55]
      - uart.write:    
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x90, 0x06, 0x0A, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x14, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0xE7, 0xC9, 0xE6, 0x5F, 0x55]
      - uart.write:    
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x91, 0x07, 0x01, 0x03, 0xA3, 0x2F, 0xE5, 0xA1, 0x55]

#Drink: Cappuccino. Grain: Maximum. Coffee: 60 ml. Milk: 150 ml
  - platform: template
    name: "Cappuccino Max 60/150ml" 
      - uart.write:
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x93, 0x05, 0x01, 0x01, 0x6A, 0x52, 0x66, 0xE6, 0x55]
      - uart.write:
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x90, 0x06, 0x0A, 0x03, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x96, 0x00, 0xCC, 0xF1, 0x67, 0x25, 0x55]
      - uart.write:
          id: uart_mainboard
          data: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x91, 0x07, 0x01, 0x03, 0xA3, 0x2F, 0xE5, 0xA1, 0x55]


There are unresolved issues and I need help

  1. The coffee machine cannot be turned on remotely or via the command AA:AA:AA:FE:00:00:C8:87:1B:40:55, neither via transistor. I drew and tracked where the tracks lead from the coffee machine power button and rang them. The track from the power button goes to the resistor R220, then goes to the K73 chip, and then goes to the chip, the third leg. These are 100% correct tracks and they ring, but I don’t know where you can solder so that you can send a signal or GND or something else from ESP so that you can turn on the coffee machine.
Photos of the board and the rendered tracks

The fact that on the K73 board it turned out to be a small signal Schottky diode and the documentation for it itself



If you do a solder to the contacts as a similar person did here, will it turn on and off the coffee machine or not?

  1. The recipe can be run only once, then you need to restart the coffee machine. I can’t understand why this is happening. We turn on the coffee machine, do not run programs from the control panel, but run them from esphome. The process of making a coffee drink starts, and if you start it again, it no longer works. For this to work, you need to turn off and turn on the coffee machine. It seems that this happens because when sending a command to prepare a coffee drink, the counter is knocked off and the protection is turned on in the coffee machine and the commands are ignored further. How can I send a recipe in such a way that it can be sent many times without knocking down the coffee machine counter? for example, to send certain bytes, those that we know, and not all that we know and random bytes

I have been watching this thread quietly for a while now, and its awesome to see the reverse engineering involved.

i was playing with a device that interfaces with daiken heatpumps etc, and i see quite a few similarities

one thing i noticed in one of your tables above, bytes 16 thru 19 are likely CRC (the last 4 before the stop byte). im wondering if the checksum algorithm could be reversed using a tool like
later if you want app control of levels or change settings you will need to calculate the correct CRC for the message. i found confirming things like this means you can tick off a load of bytes, just like finding the start and end bytes.

i learned so much by reading about the daiken protocol from here, Arnold has done a fantastic job documenting things.

one thing i would suggest is for any bytes you dont know convert them to decimal and send to HA so you can graph/trend. you may need to combine adjacent bytes, they may be 16bit for volumes or temperatures.

looking again through your information above, i think one you know the header and crc/stop bit there is no need to log them.

can you create a program that passes the data between the end of the header and before the crc?
also it would be wise to have a timestamp and a direction. and one message packet per line
something like

if you send and characters between the packets (after 55 and before AAAAAA) as
millis,send,error,bytes until next header

this makes it easy to cut and paste data into excel. i found filtering by columns allowed me to notice trends. for example filter by program and compare the bytes

you may gather more info about neighboring cells by increasing volumes above what the first byte allows, eg if you can set 260ml milk volume you may find byte 14 is 04 and byte 15 is 01.