ESP Somfy RTS Integration

It sounds like the file system partition didn’t originally get flashed.

Does this integration also work for Werema EWFS? The original remote control works with 433.92MHz

ESPSomfy RTS will transmit and receive on 433.92MHz but I have no idea if the protocols are compatible. It is cheap enough to just try it though.

I’m looking at using this integration and am about to purchase the hardware. I’m opting for the Olimex PoE board here: ESP32 POE
I’m also ordering the following CC1101 transceiver: CC1101 Transceiver

From the wiki, it mentions that with the UEXT connector on this board, it makes it easy to connect the transceiver. So here’s the dumb question, how do I interface the transceiver with the board UEXT socket so the correct pins are connected - is there a simple interface module/plug to connect them directly?

Thanks for any help.

There is not a particular connector for doing this. You will need to make your own. You can use a 2x5 Dupont housing for the Olimex side and a 2x4 for the transceiver side. Or you can simply push the pins in individually.

You can also take a 10 pin IDC on one end and put your own connector on the other.

Many thanks for the reply. I’ll look at options of making up my own connections.

I have the same problem with the last update 2.2.4.

Back then it was something that went wrong when the firmware i believe, it was fixed in a later release. I used serial to flash a previous release, the. updated ota to a later one.

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Absolute respect for this tool! It works marvelous, and even a guy with two left hands when it comes to homeautomation can get it to work. :heart_eyes:
Now I have a tought one (at least for me) to crack :wink:
I have multiple shades that have been integrated already (1 remote assigned with 1 shade). So far no sweat.
I currently use a timer RTS device (Somfy Cronis RTS) within this timer I have grouped 5 of the above mentioned shades.
When this timer opens or closes the the shades, the integration does not know about the change in condition (since it does not recognise the signal from the timer).
Is it possible to teach this timer switch into the automation (just as I have done with the individual shades) but instead of using a single shade use all five at once? (building a digital duplicate of the timers function)
I have not tried it, since I would like to know if this can work. (I am oldschool; never tough a running system…at least as long as you know how to change it 100% correctly :wink: )
Has anybody experienced this already ?

Thanks in advance for any help

I don’t know how the Chronis works. Do you pair it to each motor it controls? If you do you can simply link it to each shade using the link remote button. Then each time the Chronis fires off a command ESPSomfy RTS will pick it up.

I just read through the Chronis setup. It looks like all you need to do is Link Remote for the Chronis. This remote sends regular commands to the motors to be controlled when it needs to move them.

HA mentioned an update, so i tried to update through HA. Again a “bricked” device. Brought it back again with my backup, but i don’t think i will try the update button again…

This issue is caused when the ESP32 is writing the file system and the data stream from Github is interrupted. Starting in v2.3.0 the firmware is now much more tolerant of these interruptions when writing the file system. If this happens again you can simply run http://<ip address>/downloadFirmware?ver=x.x.x and it will download the firmware again and update the filesystem.

I am also working on methods to attempt to re-download if the process gets interrupted on boot. Unfortunately, ESP32 does not have a rollback partition for the filesystem.

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What a fantastic tool! I am able to control my awning and the sun protection, but I have a question.

We are using a Markilux RS-F4-433 remote for the awning, the sun protection and a infrared heater mounted to the awning. Turning on the heater and increasing is handled by the button UP, decreasing and turning off by DOWN. Any idea how I can build this here?

Thanks a lot!

I have thought about a dry contact dimmer. Does it increase and decrease when you hold the up and down buttons?

I will try tomorrow, but on the remote I have to push the button to increase/decrease step by step. E.g. pushing the UP button three times to reach 100%.
Thank you

Strange behaviour with node-red …

I made some tests with node-red with a very simple automotion to move only one shade.


I’ve noticed that all shades are moving together.
After listening the “espsomfy-rts_event”, it appears that I had 27 events (1 for each device) and not only one as expected.

Why firing all events when only 1 is requesting ?
Do you have any clue ?

I really do not know why it is doing that. The only thing I can think of is that the entity isn’t correct or there is some other trigger doing this. Calling the service from developer tools does exactly as one would expect and returns only 1 event.

Yep, that I already checked.
By triggering the same shade by developpement tool, I got only 1 event.

And DEBUG in node-red gives me also the right event.


It seems that node-red is sending the right commmand.
Logically, node-red re-installation doesn’t fix the issue.

Is there a good reason for ESPSomfy integration to send wrong content with the right trigger comming from node-red ?

I can share the log file. maybe it helps but it’s clearly above my skill level … ?

2024-01-18 21:47:20.777 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 350, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp/_http_parser.pyx", line 557, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: 400, message:
  Invalid method encountered:

    b't3 12.1.2\nAS:2048\nHL:19\n\n'
2024-01-18 21:52:09.751 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio.handler] Timeout on /addons/a0d7b954_nodered/stats request
2024-01-18 21:52:09.933 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio] Failed to to call /addons/a0d7b954_nodered/stats - 
2024-01-18 21:52:49.947 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:49.984 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:49.996 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:50.016 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:50.050 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:50.970 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:50.985 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:50.998 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:51.014 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:51.018 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:51.021 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:51.037 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:51.072 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:51.087 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:53.152 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:53.175 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:53.192 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:53.195 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:53.209 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:53.222 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:53.225 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:53.241 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:53.261 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:53.307 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:57.158 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:57.181 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:57.401 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:52:57.430 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:53:05.659 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data
2024-01-18 21:53:05.693 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.espsomfy_rts.controller] Manually updated espsomfy_rts data