I’m planning a project where I run a ESP01 on battery.
I want to put it in deep sleep until I press a button connected to reset.
The ESP will then start and do some stuff and then go beck to sleep.
So I did some reading but I cant figure out how to get the ESP into deep sleep with the yaml code.
From some example code I’ve seen
ESP.deepSleep(0); (it will run forever)
(seems to be c-code). But in ESPHome there way to use deep sleep seems to be
run_duration: 10s
sleep_duration: 10min
So what I understand, you need to define a run time and a sleep time. From what I read, since time is a 32 bit integer and in us, the maximum time to sleep is about 71 min. But I want it to sleep forever (untill it’s reset by the switch)
How to do this?
if I omit the sleep_duration: part, will it sllep forever?