ESP32 2 ili9341 displays, 1 with touch

I have configured 2 ILI9341 displays on separate SPI busses.
Display 1 has touch wired and enabled
Display 2 is just a display

I have an issue where when powering up the system, the touch does not work on Display 1.
If I power cycle once or twice then the touch will work. I am wondering if it has to do with the initialization sequence on power up, and what state the connections are in
Here is my config:


  enc_id: esp32_dual_4


  name: "esp32-dual-4"

  friendly_name: "esp32-dual-4"


  board: esp-wrover-kit


    type: arduino

# Enable logging


# Enable Home Assistant API



    key: "kjOvLHLwXB4lIccmThp0ktTHh8EyKc6TNOwNF20+L/8="


  password: "6dd5d918481accaf043975fad923ef92"






  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid

  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails


    ssid: "Esp32-Dual-Test-2"

    password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"



  - file: "Roboto-Regular.ttf"

    id: my_font

    size: 18

  - file: "Roboto-Regular.ttf"

    id: my_font_2

    size: 18

  - file: "Roboto-Medium.ttf"

    id: my_font_2m

    size: 18

  - file: "Roboto-Regular.ttf"

    id: my_font_3

    size: 12

  - file: "Roboto-Regular.ttf"

    id: my_font_5

    size: 14

  - file: "Roboto-Regular.ttf"

    id: my_font_4

    size: 36

  - file: "Roboto-Regular.ttf"

    id: my_font_6

    size: 10

  - file: "Roboto-Regular.ttf"

    id: my_font_7

    size: 24

  - file: "Roboto-Regular.ttf"

    id: my_font_8

    size: 30

  - file: "Roboto-Regular.ttf"

    id: my_font_10

    size: 10

  - file: "Roboto-Medium.ttf"

    id: my_font_10m

    size: 10


  - id: my_red

    red: 100%

    green: 20%

    blue: 25%

    white: 0%

  - id: my_white

    white: 100%

    blue: 5%

    red: 55%

    green: 35%

  - id: my_blue

    blue: 100%

  - id: my_green

    green: 100%

  - id: my_blue_bold

    blue: 100%

# ------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------------  


  - platform: homeassistant

    id: esptime

# ------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------------


  - id: first

    clk_pin: GPIO18

    mosi_pin: GPIO23  

    miso_pin: GPIO19  

  - id: second

    clk_pin: GPIO14

    mosi_pin: GPIO13

    miso_pin: GPIO12


  - id: bus_a

    sda: GPIO25

    scl: GPIO26

    scan: true

tca9548a :

  - address: 0x70

    id: multiplex0

    i2c_id: bus_a


      - bus_id: multiplex0channel0

        channel: 0

      - bus_id: multiplex0channel1

        channel: 1

      - bus_id: multiplex0channel2

        channel: 2

      - bus_id: multiplex0channel3

        channel: 3

      - bus_id: multiplex0channel4

        channel: 4

      - bus_id: multiplex0channel5

        channel: 5

      - bus_id: multiplex0channel6

        channel: 6

      - bus_id: multiplex0channel7

        channel: 7


  - id: 'pcf8574_hub'

    i2c_id: bus_a

    address: 0x20

    pcf8575: true




  - platform: ina219

    i2c_id: multiplex0channel0

    address: 0x40

    shunt_resistance: 0.1 ohm


      name: "INA219 Current ${enc_id}-0"

      id: ${enc_id}_ina219_current0


      name: "INA219 Power ${enc_id}-0"

      id: ${enc_id}_ina219_power0


      name: "INA219 Bus Voltage ${enc_id}-0"

      id: ${enc_id}_ina219_bus_v0


      name: "INA219 Shunt Voltage ${enc_id}-0"

      id: ${enc_id}_ina219_shunt_v0

    max_voltage: 8.0V

    max_current: 3.2A

    update_interval: 60s

  - platform: ina219

    i2c_id: multiplex0channel1

    address: 0x40

    shunt_resistance: 0.1 ohm


      name: "INA219 Current ${enc_id}-1"

      id: ${enc_id}_ina219_current1


      name: "INA219 Power ${enc_id}-1"

      id: ${enc_id}_ina219_power1


      name: "INA219 Bus Voltage ${enc_id}-1"

      id: ${enc_id}_ina219_bus_v1


      name: "INA219 Shunt Voltage ${enc_id}-1"

      id: ${enc_id}_ina219_shunt_v1

    max_voltage: 12.8V

    max_current: 3.2A

    update_interval: 60s  

  - platform: internal_temperature

    name: "${enc_id}-Internal Temperature"

    id: internal_cpu

    unit_of_measurement: "°C"

    update_interval: 10s



  - platform: wifi_signal

    name: "${enc_id} WiFi Signal Sensor"

    id: my_wifi_2

    update_interval: 60s




  - platform: wifi_info


      id: myip_2

      name: ${enc_id} ESP IP Address


      id: myssid_2

      name: ${enc_id} ESP Connected SSID




  - platform: restart

    name: "ESP32 Restart"

    id: restart_button




  - platform: gpio

    name: "${enc_id}_MV1_Off"

    publish_initial_state: true

    internal: false


      pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

      number: 0

      mode: INPUT

      inverted: true

  - platform: gpio

    name: "${enc_id}_MV1_On"

    publish_initial_state: true

    internal: false


      pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

      number: 1

      mode: INPUT

      inverted: true

  - platform: gpio

    name: "${enc_id}_MV2_Off"

    publish_initial_state: true

    internal: false


      pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

      number: 2

      mode: INPUT

      inverted: true

  - platform: gpio

    name: "${enc_id}_MV2_On"

    publish_initial_state: true

    internal: false


      pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

      number: 3

      mode: INPUT

      inverted: true

  - platform: gpio

    name: "${enc_id}_MV3_Off"

    publish_initial_state: true

    internal: false


      pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

      number: 4

      mode: INPUT

      inverted: true

  - platform: gpio

    name: "${enc_id}_MV3_On"

    publish_initial_state: true

    internal: false


      pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

      number: 5

      mode: INPUT

      inverted: true



  - platform: gpio

    name: "${enc_id}-ResetButton"

    internal: true


      pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

      number: 13

      mode: INPUT

      inverted: true



      - lambda: id(restart_button).press();



  - platform: homeassistant

    name: "${enc_id} Master Bath Flood"

    id: mas_bath_flood

    entity_id: binary_sensor.z_wave_wireless_flood_freeze_sensor_sensor_state_water

  - platform: homeassistant

    name: "${enc_id} Wtr Htr Flood"

    id: wtr_htr_flood

    entity_id: binary_sensor.water_heater_flood_detector_sensor_state_water_2

  - platform: homeassistant

    name: "${enc_id} Kit Sink Flood"

    id: kit_sink_flood

    entity_id: binary_sensor.kitchen_sink_leak_detector_sensor_state_water_2

  - platform: homeassistant

    name: "${enc_id} Guest Bath Flood"

    id: guest_bath_flood

    entity_id: binary_sensor.guest_bath_leak_sensor_sensor_state_water_2

  - platform: homeassistant

    name: "${enc_id} Guest Sink Flood"

    id: guest_bath_sink_flood

    entity_id: binary_sensor.gbr_sink_leak_detector_sensor_state_water_2

  - platform: homeassistant

    name: "${enc_id} Master Sink Flood"

    id: mas_bath_sink_flood

    entity_id: binary_sensor.mbr_sink_leak_detector_sensor_state_water_2



  - platform: homeassistant

    name: "${enc_id} Insteon Master Bath Sink"

    id: ins_mas_bath_sink

    entity_id: binary_sensor.masterbathsink_dry

  - platform: homeassistant

    name: "${enc_id} Insteon Master Bath"

    id: ins_mas_bath

    entity_id: binary_sensor.mas_bath_leak_dry

  - platform: homeassistant

    name: "${enc_id} Insteon Kitchen Sink"

    id: ins_kit_sink

    entity_id: binary_sensor.kitchen_sink_dry

  - platform: homeassistant

    name: "${enc_id} Insteon Guest Bath"

    id: ins_guest_bath

    entity_id: binary_sensor.70_79_88_1_dry

  - platform: homeassistant

    name: "${enc_id} Insteon Refrigerator"

    id: ins_fridge

    entity_id: binary_sensor.70_76_fc_1_dry

  - platform: homeassistant

    name: "${enc_id} Insteon Dishwasher"

    id: ins_dishwasher

    entity_id: binary_sensor.70_7a_18_1_dry

  - platform: homeassistant

    name: "${enc_id} Insteon Water Htr "

    id: ins_wtr_htr

    entity_id: binary_sensor.water_heater_dry


  - platform: homeassistant

    id: mv1_off

    entity_id: binary_sensor.esp32_dual_4_esp32_dual_4_mv1_off

  - platform: homeassistant

    id: mv1_on

    entity_id: binary_sensor.esp32_dual_4_esp32_dual_4_mv1_on

  - platform: homeassistant

    id: mv2_off

    entity_id: binary_sensor.esp32_dual_4_esp32_dual_4_mv2_off

  - platform: homeassistant

    id: mv2_on

    entity_id: binary_sensor.esp32_dual_4_esp32_dual_4_mv2_on

  - platform: homeassistant

    id: mv3_off

    entity_id: binary_sensor.esp32_dual_4_esp32_dual_4_mv3_off

  - platform: homeassistant

    id: mv3_on

    entity_id: binary_sensor.esp32_dual_4_esp32_dual_4_mv3_on


  - platform: touchscreen

    id: touch_key0

    x_min: 2

    x_max: 58

    y_min: 19

    y_max: 56


      - logger.log: "V1 toggle was touched"

      - lambda: id(valve_sw0).toggle();

  - platform: touchscreen

    id: touch_key1

    x_min: 2

    x_max: 58

    y_min: 59

    y_max: 96


      - logger.log: "V1 toggle was touched"

      - lambda: id(valve_sw1).toggle();

  - platform: touchscreen

    id: touch_key2

    x_min: 2

    x_max: 58

    y_min: 99

    y_max: 136


      - logger.log: "V2 toggle was touched"

      - lambda: id(valve_sw2).toggle();



  - platform: gpio

    name: "${enc_id}-Valve1"

    id: valve_sw0


      pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

      number: 8

      mode: OUTPUT

      inverted: true

  - platform: gpio

    name: "${enc_id}-Valve2"

    id: valve_sw1


      pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

      number: 10

      mode: OUTPUT

      inverted: true

  - platform: gpio

    name: "${enc_id}-Valve3"

    id: valve_sw2


      pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

      number: 12

      mode: OUTPUT

      inverted: true



  - platform: output

    output: gpio_33_backlight_pwm

    name: "${enc_id}-ILI9341 Display Backlight"

    id: back_light

    restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON




  - platform: gpio

    pin: GPIO33

    inverted: false

    id: gpio_33_backlight_pwm




  spi_id: first

  platform: xpt2046

  display: my_tft

  id: my_touchscreen

  cs_pin: 33

  interrupt_pin: 27

  update_interval: 50ms

  report_interval: 1s

  threshold: 400

  calibration_x_min: 265

  calibration_x_max: 3868

  calibration_y_min: 3863

  calibration_y_max: 395



    - lambda: |-

          ESP_LOGI("cal", "x=%d, y=%d, x_raw=%d, y_raw=%0d",







  - platform: ili9xxx

    spi_id: first

    id: my_tft

    model: ili9341


    rotation: 270

    cs_pin: GPIO5

    dc_pin: GPIO21

    reset_pin: GPIO32


      - id: page_tft_1_1

        lambda: |-

          auto white = Color(255, 255, 255);

          auto yellow = Color(255, 255, 0);

          auto blue = Color(0, 0, 255);

          auto red = Color(255, 0, 0);

          auto green = Color(0, 255, 0);



          it.rectangle(0, 18, 60, 37, yellow);

          it.printf(0, 20, id(my_font_2), green, " Main");

          it.printf(0, 35, id(my_font_2), green, " Valve");

          it.filled_rectangle(60, 26, 30, 7, white);

          it.filled_rectangle(60, 41, 30, 7, white);        

          it.filled_rectangle(90, 26, 7, 22, white);

          if (id(valve_sw0).state) {

          it.filled_rectangle(97, 33, 30, 7, green);

          it.printf(132, 27, id(my_font_5), green, "Relay On");

          } else {

          it.filled_rectangle(97, 33, 30, 7, red);

          it.printf(132, 27, id(my_font_5), red, "Relay Off");


          if (id(mv1_on).state) {

          it.filled_rectangle(195, 33, 30, 7, green);

          it.printf(230, 27, id(my_font_5), green, "MV1 Open");

          } else if (id(mv1_off).state) {

          it.filled_rectangle(195, 33, 30, 7, red);

          it.printf(230, 27, id(my_font_5), red, "MV1 Closed");

          } else if (id(valve_sw0).state) {

          it.filled_rectangle(195, 33, 30, 7, blue);

          it.printf(230, 27, id(my_font_5), blue, "Opening");

          } else {

          it.filled_rectangle(195, 33, 30, 7, blue);

          it.printf(230, 27, id(my_font_5), blue, "Closing");


          it.rectangle(0, 58, 60, 37, yellow);

          it.printf(0, 60, id(my_font_2), green, "  Irrig");

          it.printf(0, 75, id(my_font_2), green, " Valve");

          it.filled_rectangle(60, 66, 30, 7, white);

          it.filled_rectangle(60, 81, 30, 7, white);        

          it.filled_rectangle(90, 66, 7, 22, white);

          if (id(valve_sw1).state) {

          it.filled_rectangle(97, 73, 30, 7, green);

          it.printf(132, 67, id(my_font_5), green, "Relay On");

          } else {

          it.filled_rectangle(97, 73, 30, 7, red);

          it.printf(132, 67, id(my_font_5), red, "Relay Off");


          if (id(mv2_on).state) {

          it.filled_rectangle(195, 73, 30, 7, blue);

          it.printf(230, 67, id(my_font_5), green, "MV2 Open");

          } else if (id(mv2_off).state) {          

          it.filled_rectangle(195, 73, 30, 7, red);

          it.printf(230, 67, id(my_font_5), red, "MV2 Closed");          

          } else if (id(valve_sw1).state) {

          it.filled_rectangle(195, 73, 30, 7, blue);

          it.printf(230, 67, id(my_font_5), blue, "Opening");

          } else {

          it.filled_rectangle(195, 73, 30, 7, blue);

          it.printf(230, 67, id(my_font_5), blue, "Closing");


          it.rectangle(0, 98, 60, 37, yellow);

          it.printf(0, 100, id(my_font_2), green, " Hot W");

          it.printf(0, 115, id(my_font_2), green, " Valve");

          it.filled_rectangle(60, 106, 30, 7, white);

          it.filled_rectangle(60, 121, 30, 7, white);        

          it.filled_rectangle(90, 106, 7, 22, white);

          if (id(valve_sw2).state) {

          it.filled_rectangle(97, 113, 30, 7, green);

          it.printf(132, 107, id(my_font_5), green, "Relay On");

          } else {

          it.filled_rectangle(97, 113, 30, 7, red);

          it.printf(132, 107, id(my_font_5), red, "Relay Off");


          if (id(mv3_on).state) {

          it.filled_rectangle(195, 113, 30, 7, green);

          it.printf(230, 107, id(my_font_5), green, "MV3 Open");

          } else if (id(mv3_off).state) {

          it.filled_rectangle(195, 113, 30, 7, red);

          it.printf(230, 107, id(my_font_5), red, "MV3 Closed");

          } else if (id(valve_sw2).state) {

          it.filled_rectangle(195, 113, 30, 7, blue);

          it.printf(230, 107, id(my_font_5), blue, "Opening");

          } else {

          it.filled_rectangle(195, 113, 30, 7, blue);

          it.printf(230, 107, id(my_font_5), blue, "Closing");


          it.filled_rectangle(0, 160, 320, 5, blue);

          it.printf(70, 170, id(my_font_3),  "CPU_Temperature- %.1f° C", id(internal_cpu).state);

          it.filled_rectangle(0, 190, 320, 5, blue);

          it.strftime(5, 200, id(my_font_3), "Time:%H:%M:%S", id(esptime).now());

          it.printf(160, 200, id(my_font_3), "SSID:%s", id(myssid_2).state.c_str());

          it.printf(5, 220, id(my_font_3), "Signal:%.1f dbm", id(my_wifi_2).state);        

          it.printf(160, 220, id(my_font_3), "IP:%s", id(myip_2).state.c_str());  

  - platform: ili9xxx

    spi_id: second

    id: my_tft2

    model: ili9341

    rotation: 90

    cs_pin: GPIO15

    dc_pin: GPIO22

    reset_pin: GPIO4    


      - id: page_tft_2_1

        lambda: |-

          auto white = Color(255, 255, 255);

          auto yellow = Color(255, 255, 0);

          auto blue = Color(0, 0, 255);

          auto red = Color(255, 0, 0);

          auto green = Color(0, 255, 0);


          it.printf(10, 5, id(my_font_7), blue, "Valve Control/Leak Sensors");

          it.printf(80, 32, id(my_font_5), "Configuration Version 3.1");

          it.printf(10, 47, id(my_font_3), green, "5V USB Power");

          it.filled_rectangle(10, 62, 75, 3, blue);

          it.printf(10, 65, id(my_font_3), "AMPS: %.3f A", id(${enc_id}_ina219_current1).state);

          it.printf(10, 80, id(my_font_3), "Bus: %.3f V", id(${enc_id}_ina219_bus_v1).state);

          it.printf(10, 95, id(my_font_3), "PWR: %.3f W", id(${enc_id}_ina219_power1).state);

          it.printf(180, 47, id(my_font_3), green, "12V Valve Power");

          it.filled_rectangle(180, 62, 90, 3, blue);

          it.printf(180, 65, id(my_font_3), "Valve-Cur: %.3f A", id(${enc_id}_ina219_current0).state);

          it.printf(180, 80, id(my_font_3), "Valve Bus: %.3f V", id(${enc_id}_ina219_bus_v0).state);

          it.printf(180, 95, id(my_font_3), "Valve PWR: %.3f W", id(${enc_id}_ina219_power0).state);

          it.filled_rectangle(0, 115, 320, 5, blue);

          it.printf(80, 125, id(my_font_10m), "Insteon Wtr Htr");  

          if (id(ins_wtr_htr).state) {

             static int i1 = 0;


               if ((i1 % 2) == 0){

                  it.printf(165, 125, id(my_font_5), red, "WET");


                  it.printf(165, 125, id(my_font_5), white, "WET");



          it.printf(165, 125, id(my_font_10m), id(my_green), "DRY");  


          it.printf(10, 135, id(my_font_10m), "Master Bath");  

          if (id(mas_bath_flood).state) {

             static int i2 = 0;


               if ((i2 % 2) == 0){

                  it.printf(90, 135, id(my_font_5), red, "WET");


                  it.printf(90, 135, id(my_font_5), white, "WET");


          } else {

          it.printf(90, 135, id(my_font_10m), id(my_green), "DRY");  


          it.printf(10, 145, id(my_font_10m),"Sensor 2");

          if (id(wtr_htr_flood).state) {

             static int i3 = 0;


               if ((i3 % 2) == 0){

                    it.printf(90, 145, id(my_font_5), red, "WET");  


                    it.printf(90, 145, id(my_font_5), white, "WET");  


          } else {

          it.printf(90, 145, id(my_font_10m), id(my_green), "DRY");  


          it.printf(10, 155, id(my_font_10m),"Kit Sink");

          if (id(kit_sink_flood).state) {

             static int i4 = 0;


               if ((i4 % 2) == 0){

                    it.printf(90, 155, id(my_font_5), red, "WET");


                    it.printf(90, 155, id(my_font_5), white, "WET");


          } else {

          it.printf(90, 155, id(my_font_10m), id(my_green), "DRY");  


          it.printf(10, 165, id(my_font_10m),"Guest Bath");

          if (id(guest_bath_flood).state) {

             static int i5 = 0;


               if ((i5 % 2) == 0){

                    it.printf(90, 165, id(my_font_5), red, "WET");  


                    it.printf(90, 165, id(my_font_5), white, "WET");  


          } else {

          it.printf(90, 165, id(my_font_10m), id(my_green), "DRY");  


          it.printf(10, 175, id(my_font_10m),"Guest Bath Sink");

          if (id(guest_bath_sink_flood).state) {

             static int i6 = 0;


               if ((i6 % 2) == 0){

                    it.printf(90, 175, id(my_font_5), red, "WET");


                    it.printf(90, 175, id(my_font_5), white, "WET");  


          } else {

          it.printf(90, 175, id(my_font_10m), id(my_green), "DRY");  


          it.printf(10, 185, id(my_font_10m),"Mas Bath Sink");

          if (id(mas_bath_sink_flood).state) {

             static int i7 = 0;


               if ((i7 % 2) == 0){

                    it.printf(90, 185, id(my_font_5), red, "WET");


                    it.printf(90, 185, id(my_font_5), white, "WET");  


          } else {

          it.printf(90, 185, id(my_font_10m), id(my_green), "DRY");  



          it.printf(120, 135, id(my_font_10m), "Ins Mas Bath Sink");  

          if (id(ins_mas_bath_sink).state) {

             static int i8 = 0;


               if ((i8 % 2) == 0){

                  it.printf(210, 135, id(my_font_5), red, "WET");


                  it.printf(210, 135, id(my_font_5), white, "WET");


          } else {

          it.printf(210, 135, id(my_font_10m), id(my_green), "DRY");  


          it.printf(120, 145, id(my_font_10m),"Ins Master Bath");

          if (id(ins_mas_bath).state) {

             static int i9 = 0;


               if ((i9 % 2) == 0){

                  it.printf(210, 145, id(my_font_5), red, "WET");


                  it.printf(210, 145, id(my_font_5), white, "WET");


          } else {

          it.printf(210, 145, id(my_font_10m), id(my_green), "DRY");  


          it.printf(120, 155, id(my_font_10m),"Ins Kitchen Sink");

          if (id(ins_kit_sink).state) {

             static int ii = 0;


               if ((ii % 2) == 0){

                  it.printf(210, 155, id(my_font_5), red, "WET");


                  it.printf(210, 155, id(my_font_5), white, "WET");


          } else {

          it.printf(210, 155, id(my_font_10m), id(my_green), "DRY");  



          it.printf(120, 165, id(my_font_10m),"Ins Guest Bath");

          if (id(ins_guest_bath).state) {

             static int ii1 = 0;


               if ((ii1 % 2) == 0){

                  it.printf(210, 165, id(my_font_5), red, "WET");  


                  it.printf(210, 165, id(my_font_5), white, "WET");  


          } else {

          it.printf(210, 165, id(my_font_10m), id(my_green), "DRY");  



          it.printf(120, 175, id(my_font_10m),"Ins Refrigerator");

          if (id(ins_fridge).state) {

             static int ii2 = 0;


               if ((ii2 % 2) == 0){

                  it.printf(210, 175, id(my_font_5), red, "WET");  


                  it.printf(210, 175, id(my_font_5), white, "WET");  


          } else {

          it.printf(210, 175, id(my_font_10m), id(my_green), "DRY");  


          it.printf(120, 185, id(my_font_10m),"Ins Dishwasher");

          if (id(ins_dishwasher).state) {

             static int ii3 = 0;


               if ((ii3 % 2) == 0){

                  it.printf(210, 185, id(my_font_5), red, "WET");  


                  it.printf(210, 185, id(my_font_5), white, "WET");  


          } else {

          it.printf(210, 185, id(my_font_10m), id(my_green), "DRY");  


Format your yaml code correctly

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