ESP32 board Wifi problem

I have a couple of these ESP32 boards:

They have problems conneting to Wifi. Most of the time they won’t connect at all, but every now and then they do. And even then, they react very slow (I put a switch in the sketch to toggle the onboard LED).
I’ve tried 2 different devices and they both have the same problem. I’ve also tried many different settings inside the sketch. manual_ip, power_save_mode: none, fast_connect: true/false, various board types. So far, nothing helps.

In the past I’ve used Arduino sketches on these boards, and these worked fine with Wifi.

(When I use ESP8266 boards, they work just fine.)

This is the basic sketch:

  name: ir-remote

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API

  password: "dde33969d5956d7fe1d05f981ac4fa20"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  power_save_mode: none

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Ir-Remote Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "rSZIZoN1fFzz"


# Enable Web
  port: 80
  - platform: binary
    name: "LED"
    output: light_output

  - id: light_output
    platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO02
    inverted: false      

I just got 2 fire bettle 2’s. I had it connected for short periods without any noticeable problems. There is an entry for firebeetle in the esp board type. Idk if that will make a difference.

  board: firebeetle32
    type: arduino

Insufficient power supply?
Though that would be hard to imagine :grin:

I’ve tried the firebeetle32 board. It seems to connect a little better, but it’s hard to say. It still doesn’t work very well. The LED toggle switch is responding very slowly, it at all.

Update over Wifi always fails halfway:

They mention someting about GPIO02. That’s the LED.
Just to be sure I’ve removed that stuff from the sketch, but it didn’t help.

I get a strong feeling that this board is just poorly supported by esphome. Am I the only one having trouble with it?
Like I said: the boards have run fine with regular Arduino sketches.

Hi ,

Although its is not a solution but it is a simple way to verify if the MCU wifi is having an issue

Assuming the MCU is close to your router , if possible then try to flash directly from ESPhome-flasher ( the window based ) with a ready made firmware to test the wifi ? Try to test outside HA ESPhome If the MCU is for testing only then try something like WLED . it flashes quickly and then you would have access to WIFI right away to test it

I faced same issue with one MCU and it turn out SSID had a typo error with capital letter in the SSID name

Also if you connect the MCU to ESPhome-flasher and press view log , do you see anything related to wifi ?
