ESP32 boot loop when include http post

I am trying to get an ESP32 to log weight to IFTTT (in order to forward to Fitbit then MyFitnessPal and eventually to Garmin)

As soon as I include the in my configuration the ESP32 boot loops even if I have the call in a script which is not executed. Is this supposed to work (or is there something wrong with my config?)

  name: esp32
  platform: ESP32
  board: esp32dev

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

#Enable http request for IFTTT webhooks send

#miscale requires ble_tracker

  - platform: xiaomi_miscale
    mac_address: '70:87:9E:53:F8:75'
      name: "Xiaomi Mi Scale Weight"
      id: weight_miscale
          - lambda: |-
              if (id(weight_miscale).state >= 55 && id(weight_miscale).state <= 68) {
                return id(weight_user1).publish_state(x);}

  - platform: template
    name: Weight Brent
    id: weight_user1
    unit_of_measurement: 'kg'
    icon: mdi:weight-kilogram
    accuracy_decimals: 2

#  port: 80

# Script to log weight to IFTTT
#  - id: log_weight_ifttt
#    then:
#      -
#          url: !secret iftt_url #
#          headers:
#            Content-Type: application/json
#          json: |-
#            root["value1"] = id(weight_user1).state;
#          verify_ssl: false

The version I have above runs fine, however if I uncomment the script or add the same logic under an action on the sensor - the ESP32 boot loops

Looks like the problem is related to insufficient space in flash for both the http_request and esp32_ble_tracker components together.

I’ve just tried updating my BLE tracker ESP32 from ESPhome 1.18 to 1.20 and now I’m getting a boot loop as well. It worked perfectly fine previously. Looks like the new version has bloated it past the device limits. Not cool. I’ve got the bare minimum to run a Mi Flora BLE server so can’t remove anything.