ESP32-C6 thread-based ESPHome?

ESP32-C6 has just come out in its final mass-produced version with calibrated ADC, so is there any chance that ESPHome will sometime in the near future start to support Thread on these chips?

There’s a good thread on the topic on the ESPHome Discord.

Search for “ESP32-C6” under the off-topic channel if that link is no good.

I had a skim and from what I could summise, there is little chance of official ESPHome support in the near future, but some individuals are making some good progress.

And there’s this feature request.

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Thanks for the links.
Looks like the GitHub link is mainly for getting the ESP32-C6 to run with WiFi as the other ESP-chips.
I was hoping a bit on a Thread solution, but I will just see what I can mix up myself over the summer. :grinning:


Hey, did you found something that works?

Espressif provided it themself with the ZeroCode service.

It is a free service, that makes it easy to make Matter modules of some of the ESP boards.
Sort of a Matter version of ESPHome.

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You should look at this:
ESPHome ESP32 OpenThread POC

Have you compiled thread device for the esp32c6 board? It still just shows coming soon if you select it since it was announced

I tried some GitHib repositories, which made it possible to work as a Matter device, but the code part needed for the sensor cause problems and it is currently put on pause.
I will probably not get to look at it before July, so the Zerocode might be faster. :slight_smile: