ESP32-CAM and DHT22

Good Morning,

has someone managed to make a DHT22 sensor working proper with an ESP32-cam module and integrate both into HA?

It’s quite easy to cinfigure the camera and even easier to configure the DHT22.

But when put both together, the camera picture is not longer valid in Homeassistant!?

Lookin into the moduls log file, everything went well. It sends pictures and every 60s the temperature and humidity.
But the Camera pictures are not longer there in HA.

Would really be nice to be able to use this nice little ESP32-cam module with more different sensors.

Kind regards

You might get more support here if you provide more information, like code and wiring. Not a promise though :wink:

Hello Karosm,

thanks for response. I just wanted to ask in generall if someone was able to combine ESP32-CAM together with a DHT22 sensor in ESPHOME and see temp, humirity and live view in Homeassistant.

Currently I’ve deleted the setup and software completely, so may be when I make the next trials with this combination, I can share codes and log as well.

Thanks so far