ESP32-Cam Board trouble

Hey friends,

im getting the below after flashing my board with the example config for my particular board (m5stack camera)

Showing logs:
[12:19:21]ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57
[12:19:21]rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x12 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
[12:19:21]configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
[12:19:21]mode:DOUT, clock div:2
[12:19:21]entry 0x400802e4
[12:19:21][I][logger:119]: Log initialized
[12:19:21][E][Preferences.cpp:457] getBytes(): nvs_get_blob len fail: 0 NOT_FOUND
[12:19:21][C][ota:484]: There have been 0 suspected unsuccessful boot attempts.
[12:19:21][I][application:055]: Running through setup()...
[12:19:21][E][camera.c:233] camera_fb_init(): Allocating 160 KB frame buffer Failed
[12:19:21][E][camera.c:1007] camera_init(): Failed to allocate frame buffer
[12:19:21]E (203) gpio: gpio_isr_handler_remove(380): GPIO isr service is not installed, call gpio_install_isr_service() first
[12:19:21][E][camera.c:1104] esp_camera_init(): Camera init failed with error 0x101
[12:19:21][E][esp32_camera:018]: esp_camera_init failed: ESP_ERR_NO_MEM
[12:19:21][E][component:151]: Component was marked as failed.
[12:19:21][C][wifi:027]: Setting up WiFi...

The board info is:

Chip Info:
 - Chip Family: ESP32
 - Chip Model: ESP32D0WDQ6 (revision 1)
 - Number of Cores: 2
 - Max CPU Frequency: 240MHz
 - Has Bluetooth: YES
 - Has Embedded Flash: NO
 - Has Factory-Calibrated ADC: YES

I bought it to test and play around with the camera support, its got a type c port on the bottom, a built in lithium charger and the camera module.

I have the image set to SXGA at the default 10fps max, and jpg quality of 30

Looks like it may be lack of memory. Reduce frame size and try again. See docs.

yeah, lowering it to SVGA seems to have worked :frowning:

I guest esphome uses more than I thought!