ESP32 Cam - working!

I got AI-Thinker boards but experienced same error.
Flashing OTA again it even few times is helping. In worst case I flashed via USB.
But I wonder what is the root cause of this error


someone can explain to me how to connect 2 or more cams to hassio?
i try but it says have to at api.

You can config the PIR on the TTGO board using;

  - platform: gpio
    device_class: motion
    name: "PIR Sensor"
    pin: GPIO33

Are you using ESPHome add-on?
I have 2 esp32 cam nodes. Only difference in configuration are names…
In Hassio integration settings I have 2 cams …

Thanks MrUkleja
got it working to.:grinning:

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Received two ESP32 AI Thinker Cam boards today. Integrated them with ESPHome. Used the yaml-code provided by the ESPHome “ESP32 Cam” instructions, using the AI Thinker configuration. Works, but the problem with the video stream not shutting off after the streaming window is closed persists with the AI Thinker boards in my setting. The high rate of still images continues for several minutes, and sometimes this causes loss of connection to the node which has to be reset. Just like with the TTGO boards.

Also, video performance (and stability) is much better when the boards are setup as regular IP cameras than when used via ESPHome. That’s a shame, of course, since that makes accessing additional board components such as PIR and OLED much harder (which are easily accessed via ESPHome integration).

Perhaps stability and performance can be addressed in future updates of HA and ESPHome?

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Is it possible to get face recognition working whit esp32-cam Ai-thinker in hassio?

Hi Jan,

OK I tried that esp-wrover-kit change from esp32dev.
Nope, not even the camera light LED will work after setting board type to that.
Pin mapping seems not the same.

Also just tried out the test example via the Arduino IDE here as mentioned above. Doesn’t work either…

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400806a8

[E][sccb.c:154] SCCB_Write(): SCCB_Write Failed addr:0x30, reg:0xff, data:0x01, ret:263
[E][sccb.c:154] SCCB_Write(): SCCB_Write Failed addr:0x30, reg:0x12, data:0x80, ret:263
[E][sccb.c:119] SCCB_Read(): SCCB_Read Failed addr:0x30, reg:0x0b, data:0x00, ret:263
[E][camera.c:1049] camera_probe(): Detected camera not supported.
[E][camera.c:1249] esp_camera_init(): Camera probe failed with error 0x20004

Me thinks the boards have a defect, different camera module or maybe pin mapping is not the same…

I think I’m going to sit this out till I can find a similar device that supports POE.

Hello mr.sneezy
for me it works fine .

Author by


Lovelace camera card

Video tutorial


Modify variables based on your settings

hostname: ‘woonkamer_cam’
ssid: ‘yours’
password: ‘yours’
name: $hostname
platform: ESP32
board: esp-wrover-kit

# Set this to the IP of the ESP
# Set this to the IP address of the router. Often ends with .1
# The subnet of the network. works for most home networks.
ssid: $ssid
password: $password
fast_connect: True
reboot_timeout: 0s


pin: GPIO0
frequency: 20MHz
sda: GPIO26
scl: GPIO27
data_pins: [GPIO5, GPIO18, GPIO19, GPIO21, GPIO36, GPIO39, GPIO34, GPIO35]
vsync_pin: GPIO25
href_pin: GPIO23
pixel_clock_pin: GPIO22
power_down_pin: GPIO32

name: woonkamer

… Frame Settings



  • platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO4
    id: gpio_4
  • platform: binary
    output: gpio_4
    name: $hostname light

make a file named esp32-cam.yaml like this above then compile it and upload it to your esp32-cam whit esphomeflasher-1.0.1-windows-x64

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Thanks for the help on this. Sadly no it didn’t change the result. I had tried that combination earlier anyway (as you do) but repeated with your file.

I have dug around a lot now, watched all the late Youtube tutorials on this board, and it seems I’m following it just fine.
Today I also tried a friends laptop with a fresh clean install of the latest Arduino IDE, installed ESP32 boards in manager and loaded up some demo code from Git that is shown to work with this board. Failed with the same error…

Then found another person on a Git forum who had the same errors, and fixed it by buying a new camera module.
I’m going to do the same now. They cost $3 delivered. Watch this thread in three or four weeks time :slight_smile:

part of the post flash log.
[18:27:44][C][esp32_camera:044]: ESP32 Camera:
[18:27:44][C][esp32_camera:045]: Name: ESP32 Camera1
[18:27:44][C][esp32_camera:046]: Board Has PSRAM: YES
[18:27:44][C][esp32_camera:048]: Data Pins: D0:5 D1:18 D2:19 D3:21 D4:36 D5:39 D6:34 D7:35
[18:27:44][C][esp32_camera:049]: VSYNC Pin: 25
[18:27:44][C][esp32_camera:050]: HREF Pin: 23
[18:27:44][C][esp32_camera:051]: Pixel Clock Pin: 22
[18:27:44][C][esp32_camera:052]: External Clock: Pin:0 Frequency:20000000
[18:27:44][C][esp32_camera:053]: I2C Pins: SDA:26 SCL:27
[18:27:44][C][esp32_camera:054]: Reset Pin: -1
[18:27:44][C][esp32_camera:075]: Resolution: 640x480 (VGA)
[18:27:44][E][esp32_camera:092]: Setup Failed: ERROR

I have been playing with this for several hours now but can’t seem to get streaming to work. The camera loads single images in a picture-glace but when I click on it nothing loads. I can see that the ESP32 changes framerates though. What am I missing?

Also is there a way to use the new streaming components recording with the ESP32 Cameras?

i had the same problem.
try to use 3.3volt

I have the TTGO board with USB power. It seems like the issue is in Home Assistant. The logs on the ESP32 make it seem like it is working correctly.

I can confirm that this is not an ESPHome issue… none of my camera streams work in Safari but they all work (including the ESP32 Cam) in chrome.

dans esphome quel planche as-tu utilisé for the Ai-Thinker ?

You’ve obviously never used a civil camera. I have.

I have my esp32 cam up and running in home assistant. ESPHome really made it easy!

Is it somehow possible to grab some frame and store them on the disk? Same for the video stream.