ESP32 device not showing in HA Integrations

I’ve adopted a TinyPico ESP32 into ESPHome and been playing around with it doing some testing with some connected sensors before adding it into HA. It’s looking good in the logs, everything is working.

The device is not showing in HA Integrations and the device log has an entry:

[10:46:39][W][api.connection:083]: Home Assistant 2022.10.5 (::FFFF:C0A8:562E): Connection closed

I deleted the device and adopted it again from scratch, but it does not appear in HA Integrations.

I have another identical brand new TinyPico, never been used. I adopted it and can see it in HA Integrations.

I assume there is an IP address or naming conflict due to me playing around. How do resolve this?

Did you delete it in both the ESPHome GUI and also in Integrations?

Yes, it is deleted in both. There is a chance I may have selected ‘ignore’ in integrations when I was trying to clean up unwanted devices.

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I resolved it. There was an IP address conflict with another ESPHome device. Looking in the HA logs gave me the details. I had to delete both devices and then add my new one back.