Esp32 disconnects when using Google WiFi

I have been using Esp32 (through Esphome) to read the data from my xiaomi sensors with no problem for month.
The setup is as follows:

  • Raspberry B+ with HA directly connected to the main router through a LAN cable
  • The esp32 is connected to the Wifi

I have recently bought a Google WiFi and my intension was to migrate the setup to use the network created using GoolgeWifi
I have flashed the Esp32 module to have the network id and passord to access using Google Wifi.
When first start starting Esp32 everything works fine for a few second but soon the module will disconnect with no clear reason.

I would to hear from you and I am sure you can help me to fix this issue.

I have also tried by connecting the RPi with HA directly to google wifi using the a lan cable.
but the problem is not solved

I would love to also hear any suggestions in how to setup using GoogleWifi

It may be related to the 2.4Ghz issue as ESP connect only through that band. Also check if your router is recycling the IPs quite fast. Check the router logs to check if anything interesting is logged

Does it disconnect from wifi, or does it just disconnect from the HA API?

Thank you Manju.
To my understanding the Esp32 I have

should only support 2.4Ghz channel.

It is nevertheless likely that the problem is related with the IP being changed by the router.
in the weekend I will try to assign a static IP both through the Google WiFi interface, and by setting it in the configuration file in Esphome, as described in here:

Thanks a lot for your help

Hello @nickrout, the web interface for the esphome component only says it is disconnected.
When I check the log, as long as it is connected, it receives the readings from the sensors with no problem.
Also, when I check the Google WiFi app the Esp32 always appears in the device list, so I am guessing it is connected?
I am not sure, but I am guessing that Google WiFi might reduce priority for devices which are not actively connected to internet, which maybe causes the IP recycling?

Not sure if I answered your question though…