ESP32 docker - update yaml

i am working on my first esp32 namely an M5 Atom lite. As i’ve installed my Home Assistant in a docker container, I also did so for ESPHome, so I do not have the ESPHome Dashboard in my Home Assistant, but seperately. I am close to my goal, getting the M5 to connect with my Awox Mesh lights via MQTT using ESPHome component: AwoX BLE mesh (mqtt) hub . As i always get my M5 from the other building to connect it to my laptop to connect it via ESPHome Web (as i do not have SSL inside my network) to download instlalation files from ESPHome to install it via ESPHome Web.
So my questions as I did not find an answer to them:

  1. isn’t it possible to make minor yaml changes on the M5 somehow easier and on the fly somehow with my setup? (and not repeating the whole process all the time)
  2. how can i view logfiles without disconnecting the M5 and connect it to my laptop?
    It would be spare me a lot of time during debugging my yaml config :slight_smile:
    thank you and best regards,