ESP32 Dongle

I’m using the excellent ESPHome for Bluetooth presence detection and wanted to get the size of the build as small as possible. To do this, I’ve used an ESP32 WROOM module and a 3D printed case. Details are here on Thingiverse.


Thanks so much for this @MartinB , inspired me to move over to a bare esp32 from the 2 dev boards I have been using now!

I’ve just put one of these together - another 3 ready to go around my house… however… I don’t have a 3D printer for the case.

Any chance you’re in UK and would print a few for me? Beer/filament money and all my thanks in return!

Alternatively can you/anyone else recommend a printing service in UK?

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I’ve sent you a message, glad to help!

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which board is that with the USB-A? My google-fu has failed me.

It’s actually just a USB-A PCB style connector - which I then assume he solders to the power inputs of the WROOM-32.

There was a link on the Thingiverse page

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Thanks! I must have missed it!

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