ESP32 Energy Meter

I am completely new to ESPHome and Yaml. Please be gentle and correct any of my terminology

I purchased a ESP32 energy meter board and I have everything setup to work with HA. There are a couple of circuits that I only turn on when my pool is open. As of right now, they are off and I am getting negative values for watts and amps. I did find a yaml script that creates a new ID and I am to use that ID in my total watts and amps calculations. To me, that does not seem to be the correct thing to do. Can I get some help to update the yaml so it will redefine the original watts and amps to be 0 when the values are negative?

#IC2 AddOn
  - platform: atm90e32
    cs_pin: 16
        name: ${disp_name} CT10 Amps
        id: ct10Amps
        name: ${disp_name} CT10 Watts
        id: ct10Watts
      gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal}
      gain_ct: 42650
        name: ${disp_name} CT11 Amps
        id: ct11Amps
        name: ${disp_name} CT11 Watts
        id: ct11Watts
      gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal}
      gain_ct: 42650
        name: ${disp_name} CT12 Amps
        id: ct12Amps
        name: ${disp_name} CT12 Watts
        id: ct12Watts
      gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal}
      gain_ct: 42650
    line_frequency: 60Hz
    gain_pga: 1X
    update_interval: ${update_time}

#zero out
  - platform: template
    name: ${disp_name} CT11 Watts Positive
    id: ct11WattsPositive
    lambda: |-
      if (id(ct11Watts).state < 0) {
        return 0;
      } else {
        return id(ct11Watts).state ;
    accuracy_decimals: 2
    unit_of_measurement: W
    icon: "mdi:flash-circle"
    update_interval: ${update_time}

You likely need calibration.
Did you had a look at the documentation on that topic?

Yes, I looked at the that link and I did my best to calibrate the sensors using a space heater and a plug in watt meter. I honestly think that it is picking up information from another circuit. I do not want the code to be longer than necessary