ESP32 + ILI9341 problems

I have some weird issues with ESPHome and ESP32-WROOM32 + ILI9341 display. I wanted to just test the display if it works but it looks like the ESP is bootlooping a few times and then it gives up and I can’t get logger output but get a socket error. It does connect to Wifi and I can upload new code. I read that people have had issues with ESP8266 but I thought ESP32 would have enough RAM for this display even without PSRAM.

ESPHome: 2024.11.3
Home Assistant:

  • Core 2024.12.3
  • Supervisor 2024.11.4
  • Operating System 14.0
  • Frontend 20241127.8
    Board: az-delivery-devkit-v4 (AZ-Delivery DevKit C v4)

Code is only the basic ESPHome skeleton sketch + this:

  clk_pin: GPIO18
  mosi_pin: GPIO23

  - platform: ili9xxx
    model: ili9341
    dc_pin: GPIO27
    reset_pin: GPIO13
    invert_colors: false
    show_test_card: true

I get the test card image on the display but it flashes about 4-5 times and then stays on. If I comment out the display definition, everything works fine (well there is no code other than the spi definition but logger starts just fine). Also it doesn’t matter if the display is connected or not, the ESP still hangs and doesn’t start logging.

I don’t have any WROVER variants to test this with but this shouldn’t need PSRAM, right?