I’m looking at moving away from some of my proprietary home automation hardware, partly because of the Insteon situation, but mostly because my ISY is TU.
I’m currently using several quality hard wired motion sensors with an EZIO, but I’d like a simpler and more versatile solution. I saw the ESP32 when I did some searching and it looks like it will fit the bill. I have a few questions though, I assume I have to supply power, 3.3v to the GPIO input? My current motion sensors are 4-wire, two for power and two for contact. I currently run power through the contact loop. Also, how does the ESP32 communicate with HA, I assume it talks to ESPHome over WiFi. Finally, I read something about some GPIO pins being unavailable if using WiFi, how significant is this?
My program backup is hanging the ISY. I would likely have to rebuild everything or maybe get lucky playing with the backup. If I have to start fresh, I think I’ll rebuild.
I see the Thing Plus has Ethernet, but my Play Board does not.
Thanks for the link.
So I assume I run 3,3 volts to the motion sensor contact and attach the return to my GPIO pin, with a current limiting resistor, if required.
Cool, nice when people make datasheets available so readily.
You might like the esphome project, which is developed in hand with home assistant. There is a PIR example here Passive Infrared Sensor — ESPHome
One thing it doesn’t say is what voltage is present on the “contact” pair, is it simply like a switch (ie infinite resistance vs zero resistance) or is it active (ie 0v/12v). If it is active, you’ll need to cut it down to 3v3.