Esp32 - rtcwdt_rtc_reset

I have an ESP32-CAM and when I load with Arduino IDE it is able to connect to my wifi (not very stable).

I create a new device in HA - ESPHome with the code below. I’m hoping to get it connected to the wifi, so that I can install new code wireless.

  name: esp32-cam-test

  board: esp32cam
    type: arduino

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API

  password: "faed1532671ef901c9b6907efef6d5ab"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Esp32-Cam-Test Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "DKwEjNXOwcxg"


I can load it into the device with ESPHome Web, but it will not connect to my wifi. On the serial port I get every second:

flash read err, 1000
ets_main.c 371 
ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

Does any one have an Idea what is going wrong or why it is resetting (that is what I think it is doing)?

Anything connected to it?

Only the USB Serial Port Adapter that I just to program it.

Googling that error comes up with a lot of links. Most suggest power problems or wiring connected to the wrong pins.

I do not understand why the ESPHome code acts so different that the Arduino code. It is the same hardware (setup). The only thing I could do is discoonecting Tx and Rx pins.

Disconnecting de Tx and Rx looks not to solve the problem. The LED keeps blinking in the same frequency.

How did your google searching go?

My google search did not get me anywhere. I had to stop, because I was not able to flash my ESP32-CAM using or Arduino IDE. I bought a new ESP32-CAM + adapter and I can now flash both my ESP32-CAM devices.

I discovered strange behavior of ESPHome. I connected my device and than I did “PREPARE FOR ADOPTION” . ESPHome discovered the device and I adopted it. After changing the name I installed through “Manual download”. The device did not connect to my wifi. Then I use “Plug into the computer” and it did connect to my wifi. When looking to the generated bin files there is an difference in size and name.

When “Plug into the computer” “-factory” is added to the file name and the size is larger. When I copy the yaml code to an new yaml file I get the same result.

Any idea what is causing this difference.

Look I haven’t used, but why don’t you just use the real deal?

What do you mean with the real deal?

What I did not mention was that I cannot flash the ESP32CAM with tasmotizer. Getting this error.

Like it says

This page is a lite variant of ESPHome. If you want to create and edit ESPHome projects, install ESPHome on your computer or inside Home Assistant (it’s free!).

Are you pressing the RST button when you plug it in?

Is the light variant of ESPHome?

I do not have a problem with flashing bin-file using My problem is that bin file generated are different depending on the option selected during INSTALL. I do not see why they should be different.

When using tasmotizer I do not press the reset button.

It is very confusing knowing what your problem is, or even if you have one.

Let me summarize.

My initial problem was that I the ESP32CAM did not connect with wifi when the code was generated with (with tasmotizer I can not flash a bin-file into the ESP32CAM). With Arduino IDE it was no problem. In the mean time I got problems with flash in any way (problem was my my USB to TTL interface). This was solved with a ESP32-CAM + adapter. Then I discovered that there is a different result in how I generate the bin file. In the below picture I tried to visualize this.

Once I have flashed the ESP32CAM so that the wifi works, I can flash it wirelessly, but the 2 different bin-file seems to me a bug in ESPHome. If you create a device (yaml-file) with the code below and the generate the bin-file in the 2 ways I mention you will get 2 different bin-files (in size and filename). For me this is strange behavior.

  # name: esphome-web-ce1d6c
  name: esp32-energy

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API


  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Esphome-Web-Ce1D6C"
    password: "0pgA1GscPXlW"

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tnx man, I had the same issue, if you compile it works flawless with “plug into the computer” option. don’t use the manual download option…

Thanks cvtvoogt!

I converted a couple of Emporia Vue 2’s for use with HA.
First one went fine, I guess I must have used “plug into the computer” for that one.
On the second, I was using “manual download” and I couldn’t get it to work.
Wasted a couple of hours, then I found you post. Now both are working like a charm.