ESP32 S2 Mini Flash ESPHome

Hey guys,

Been doing some searching and cant see to get these little boards to flash?

Seen a few posts with so many answers. Is this board just not supported or whats the issue with it?

Just a bot more info. I can see it in the COM ports, but am unable to initialize it?

Failed to initialize. Try resetting your device or holding the BOOT button while selecting your serial port until it starts preparing the installation.

First time flash of ESPHome only, as it says you sometimes have to hold down the boot button…

Thanks Daryl,

So you didnt have any issues flashing this board with ESPHome?

I have had a bunch of boards that required the boot button to be held down for first time flash, but I haven’t tried this specific board.

Ok at last; hopefully this will help someone else. Don’t use the ESPHome flasher, it does not work. The Adafruit one does though;

with this as the ESP32 config

  board: lolin_s2_mini
  variant: ESP32S2
    type: arduino
    version: 2.0.6
    platform_version: 5.3.0

Did anyone manage to flash these and get them to connect to wifi ? I have managed to flash with esptool after compiling a .bin with ESPHome, but no luck getting it to connect…it acts like it’s dead.

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yes, no problem for me but need different approch…some flashed with esphome directly on the nuc where is HA with EspHome dashboard, some directly on a win11 PC in esphome in HA and one problematic, i use the solution above :


I’m running into the same issue…
I managed to get it flashed at first directly connected to the HA server (since EspHome web tool wasn’t working), but even then it was kind of dead. I tried to flash it with Adafruit ESPTool but the behaviour is the same: it seems to connect to the wifi but it definetly doesn’t connect to HA (even trying manually)…

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No issues for me with this config.

Initial flash via usb connected to server. Hard reset required after that.

Special button press sequence to get it into DFU mode as per docs.


I use this method.


Hey guys,

Im getting a warning saying Im using using the wrong type when trying to update.

  board: lolin_s2_mini
  variant: ESP32S2
    type: arduino
    version: 2.0.6
    platform_version: 5.3.0

What is everyone using these days?