I have an esp32-s3 that I cant get working with bt proxy. I can get esp32-c3’s working and regular esp32 generic boards, but no luck with the S3.
I confirmed by using very verbose logs and also downloading the diagnostic data in the device page, it shows that it has seen no bt devices or advertisements. The config is correct and when the board spits out its config, both the bt proxy and ble tracker are configured.
diagnostic data
name "esp32s3-dryer (24:58:7C:CD:8F:48)"
start_time 36071.718095689
source "24:58:7C:CD:8F:48"
scanning false
type "ESPHomeScanner"
last_detection 36071.718095689
monotonic_time 36768.078321468
discovered_devices_and_advertisement_data []
connectable true
discovered_device_timestamps {}
time_since_last_device_detection {}
dashboard "5c53de3b_esphome"
I have found several other posts using esp32-s3 boards and not being able to see any data.