ESP32-S3-Box Unable to Update via Wifi or USB Connection


I am unable to update my S3 box via USB (Wifi would not work) with a preparation fail error when downloading the project:


Clicking on the link opens the log screen and it confirms a fatal error due to git depository, see log:

Any recommendations on how to resolve this error?



Yeah you need to update code in your esphome sketch as it’s not compatible with current ESPHome version :wink:


Check this reply Projects using ESP-IDF don't build with the 2024.12 betas · Issue #42 · esphome/wake-word-voice-assistants · GitHub and possibly the whole issue. Same error failed to resolve component jsmn as in your case.

Pinning the idf version confirmed working for S3 Box: Projects using ESP-IDF don't build with the 2024.12 betas · Issue #42 · esphome/wake-word-voice-assistants · GitHub
Please check it out and report back.


I’ve updated the Yaml code for the S3 as noted but still no success in updating via usb connection. In fact, I lost connection to Home Assistant and had to reboot.

I’m going to try a factory reset and a fresh install.
